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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. So Kami came back with Amber; they made a few phone calls, staredt dancing, and went away.. In some club I guess. They will certainly came back together later in the night : Kami made her bed look clean !
  2. Apparently she went to some swinming trunk or lingerie modeling. She trained some catwalk in the hall in front of one mirror, shaved well her twat, checked her flat belly, her ass and so on. The heels are for the show.
  3. Yes, but with another BF. This one is an idiot, Kristy can't stand him and so do I. But how come all the BF shown on RLC are so dumb, apart from Bodgan and maybe Efim ? Is that a russian plague : nice girls but stupid and machist boys...
  4. I am not sure this is about sexuality, I mean human's one... I am gone call a veterinary to check that....
  5. Kami stopped her internet surfing in bed at 5h30, local time, the daylight was there. Something new happened in her life. Se put down the two teddy bears which where on her set of drawers in her bedroom and did the same thing with the big frame with her sister's photo. She did so to hide the big bear from her sight when she is lying in bed. Also no more of these hours of phone calls from Coke Boy since she came back. So I think she met some Russian in Dubai, spent one night and a day with him, left her old BF and is very happy, smiling and singing. She had a lot to tell Kristy yesterday, a long time on the balcony, so no sound (and no translation).
  6. Be more crytic Noldus, may be someone is reading you.... There is another flight from Dubai landing now in Moscow. I don't know if it made a stop in Baku.
  7. Kami just posted a photo taken from a flight, labelled Baku international airport. Is she coming back tonight ? There is a flight from Dubai arriving at 21h50 tonight.
  8. Kami's answer : Oh, that's a bright idea, we should do the same, Kristy and me. How come we never thought about ?
  9. Hard to explain when people jump to conclusions without reading carefully. Escort is legal, prostitution is legal also almost everywhere but the pimps are not. If escort girls (or boys) do have paid sex then they are prostituting themselves. Then, different countries, different laws. But anywhere an international ring of prostitution is not legal. I repeat myself : thoses girls are not prostitutes, and some of them might have done some escort jobs without sex. And that's not illegal ! I put it in french : Il est difficle de s'expliquer quand on tire des conclusions hâtives sans lire avec attention. Le travail d'escort est légal, la prostitution est aussi légale à peu près partout, mais pas les macs. Si les escorts (filles ou garçons) ont des relations sexuelles tarifées, il s'agit de prostitution. Ensuite, les lois différent selon les pays. Mais, partout, un réseau international de prostitution est illégal. Je me répète : ces filles ne sont pas des prostituées et certaines d'entre elles ont dû travailler comme escortes sans sexe. Ce qui n'est pas illégal !
  10. You can read before answering BS, that the main difference between conspirating people and me. I can read !
  11. You read to fast, it is not like that. Prostitution has been evacuated. They can get the money from RLC, modeling, dancing, or even escorting. It doesn't make them prostitute Calm down, man !
  12. The site will be forbidden in the US and in Europe. They have servers in the US and the billing company is in the US. The girls operating in Europe will be interrogated and deported.
  13. This is obvious Smurfy. Just to add that to calm people : if RLC would in anyway drive these girls toward prostitution they will be sued and immediately closed down. So the money was coming from somewhere else ? Wages from RLC, modeling ? Kitek, you tell, this is the best way to clear things.
  14. Don't be sick Kitek, please. If you know where the money was from just tell it, you must know it as you understand russian/ukrainian. Are you close to RLC, anyway ?
  15. Those girls were getting extra money from some kind of escort work. They show the bills when they counted them after their night. Ilona had written 1500 € on her body to show the price she would asked to sleep with her, certainly a joke but some of it was true. But, Cordoblanc, it doesn't mean they are prostitutes nor it allows you to despise them. You don't connect to a soft porn site to make moral judgment.
  16. I am sure Kami and Kristy are paid, they won't otherwise be able to live on such a foot. Kristy is looking for a career in TV, Kami was applying once for a PR work. I think they both want to be independant, marriage or not. You can't be a model for a long time, and if they were so good at that they would have been already selected by some scout. They are doing photos sometimes, but what we saw is an hostess work on some crap show in Moscow, as no real trade mark "bought" them for their commercial. They could, for example, stay in Moscow till mid-june, close the appartment, than move to Barcelona till mid-august and then move back to Moscow... Now, they have a very good life with RLC and I am ready to think they have a long term contract. It is, up till now, the best the world is ready to give them.
  17. Very nice girl, a pity she can't find anyone to take care of her. RLC should work better the matching between girls, and also be a bit more on communication. They are faster to ban a subscriber than to tell what's going on and what they are planning to. This is not good managing.
  18. Because of the cams, she doesn't want from the beginning in Barcelona to be seen performing totally naked a sexual act. Even if she seems recently a bit less shy. And also she doen't want Dumb boy to get too far with her, at least on cams. Most of the time he wasn't even inside her, just rubbing, and he has never been seen ejaculating. Very strange guy.
  19. No comments, so now we have both sides of the beautiful Elisa, who really needs a boy friend...
  20. Very well said Bookmaster. People here (some of them) don't seem to realise that K&K are the best thing we can get from true life. Nice and decent girls, charming and smiling, sane, and totally sharing their young lives. They give us also some very cute softcore that is far more interesting than the hard sex we can see at the other appartments, because it's lasting, never boring and seemed always different. My idea : they should try to find a nice guy they could share, even make kids with him and so spend a whole loving life in a "ménage à trois" till the end of the world... K&K, stay together !
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