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Posts posted by sanjuro66

  1. 34 minutes ago, Pookus said:

    As much as I'd hate to see her go, because she had a banging body that I wouldn't have minded banging, and she didn't mind showing off, but if RLC have at least recognised that Lima has some sort of issue involving the drink, then it's definitely for the best that they get her out of there and get her help. Am I the only person who noticed this all started the night Milena sent her out of the house for whatever reason and she came home drunk with Daddy Dip & Run. Who was in & out, in the shower, only washed the cum & condom lubricant off his cock (I'm assuming so as not to tip off the wife), and out the door all within an hour. And seemed to escalate worse when he showed up seemingly uninvited a week later for a second shot at the prize. The second time she was the worse I've ever seen her pissed wise. And with his persistence (he eventually went to bed alone and waited it out til morning when she sort of sobered up), she eventually caved and fucked him. Only to have him bolt without so much as a good-bye kiss the second time as well. I think these two occasions were the trigger of what has since come. And now the disclaimer..... just my opinion, and I'm by no means an expert.

    As you said, "your opinion".., but absolutely Lima has a BIG problem. Now everything is mere speculation, but if all of our observation skills are intact, there was a reasonable probability that Milena was up to some shady stuff, due to her behavior when she visited Barca-2. I absolutely noticed that "downfall" after the day in question.

  2. 5 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    Well I think Belle might be approaching her time of the month so nothing is likely to happen. The no drinking I do find disturbing. Belle really likes to drink and it gets Becca in the mood as well but if someone's being Miss Dullsville then it kind of ruins it. I think Belle might require a third just for confidence. She definitely enjoys being involved with multiple girls - it is just less intimate and less meaningful. My Belle, and there is a little evidence, to support this might be a bit fussy about who she has sex with: Stella, Megan, Becca and Caro fine, Lola and Anna (who were both sort of mother figures) or Milena probably not. She clearly has no problem with Rebecca and I think she fancies Jasmine almost as much as she did Caro.

    I wondered what happened just before. Probably nothing but My Belle switched her light off got some of her many tablets out the drawer then switched her light on before heading to the water in the kitchen - possibly a dry run, no just my imagination.

    Just my 2 cents worth, but I say get Irma back into B-1. That way she can add little spark and be a liaison to B-2

  3. 29 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

    There is, but the vibe of the apartment has left with Lola, no music no drinking no fun....... Now jasmin moves the clothes airer to the position on camera 1 but has put the couch in a slightly better position.

    I'm wondering if all of the tenant shifting, has to do with RLC not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb to the authorities. (the drug use)

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