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Posts posted by DAVETECH4LIFE

  1. 4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    Yes indeed, that's mainly something that's started this year. Before she spends a night away or after she's spent a night way, she will suddenly bate as if to say "I'm sorry I won't be/wasn't here but here's something for you to make up for it."

    I've seen that also but today she so far is off game. Last night she wasn't home. then a couple of hours ago she was in the G/R about to then she just turned and walked out of the room. Just not like her. Or it could be she is not in the mood today, but she has had plenty of chances where as before she would have jumped on it. Something is just not the same with her! I know she loves to perform for her followers as the way she can achieve a greater O

  2. 9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    Dave, I don't know how long you've watching but last year it was fairly typical for her to give a 2 or 3 hour build from up from about 1-4 p.m. and even longer  when she would have the laptop out after midnight displaying and occasional rubbing her pussy only for nothing to happen, although that was less stressful because as you know she almost never gives a show after midnight. Certainly with the afternoon ones they was a lot of teasing of us the audience.
    More recently she has had a tendency to move more quickly but today might be one of those days. Even if she starts touching herself i'm afraid that's no guarantee.

    I've been watching her for about 5 months and she starts in the G/R by touching her lips for about two minutes, caressing her thighs for about 5 minutes and then bang rub nub. I've also seen her go straight to the source with no caressing. 

  3. 1 hour ago, BBsq69 said:

    Honestly Stone Cold I have never seen any and I don't think I could have watched more. Maybe she saves it for the BeR with a smaller audience but nobody has seemed to report it before so it seems that Dave could be right, which I did say he could be but then his other observations have been rather different from mine. I have found some of what he has said odd especially considering the 5 of so sessions of close to the free cameras sex in the past few weeks and her enormous nudity. If he ever slapped her to put some knickers on, that plan has really gone very very badly indeed. Last night was unsual because she kept her knickers on - they were off quick enough this morning though and she give her usual display with an added bonus.

    As she was naked in the guest room sitting on the couch with her legs spread on the phone texting, and him on the computer watching her he entered the G/R sat beside her and love slapped her between the legs to put something on. So she did put her underwear on. He does this taps her on the beaver or smacks her ass when she is naked in the kitchen or pruning herself in the G/R to put something on. He has his moments when it is OK for her to be naughty and when not to. I take it as a controlling way for him.

    Mark my words he will try and control her when he is around. He will not allow her her freedom to do as she feels. Pun intended!

    She did hit him in this apartment in the B/R as I have stated before, and I"m sure for good a reason.

    Stn Cld316 your words and vision to what have accrued in this relationship are spot on more so then BBsq69 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    See a 2 way conversation is one where I address your points which surely I have not only here but in detail on the other thread and you seem to have changed from her hitting him hard 5 times to getting his attention with a few taps whereas you will know surely that have reported on the incidents in the other direction.
    In fact I have been the first to report them and grabbing by the throat and rocking the entire fridge back with quite a bit force having run across the room to do it is not exactly the equivalent of getting attention whenever this happened. 


    What ever - I tried to have a conversation with you and you just want to disprove me. Great fine be that way. I have NO reason to lie to you or anyone else. Oh, and please feel free to repost this at any time you want. 

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  5. 12 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    You see no reason to doubt him ...

    3 weeks ago he said this: Has anybody noticed Paul coming down on Leora to put more cloths on lately

    which left me gobsmacked. then
    It would make me cringe, and want to punch him when he would slap her down below in the private parts to get her to put panties on.

    and he's managed to do this without me noticing. And then

    I'm glad sex under the covers are over. It must have been hell for her being the exhibitionist she is.

    Apparently this one sex session in recent times which was partly obscured to the camera whereas the other ones could not have been closer, did not even finish under the covers.

    No you see why I doubt him. It just is not in my personality to play favourites, mate. 

    And I repeat: It would make me cringe, and want to punch him 

    It sounds like he has the problem.

    I don't have a problem. I knew this would be a one sided conversation with you BBsq69. You just refuse that they have in the past hit each other. [Leora]  doesn't hit hard enough to hurt, but it got his attention. As far as you doubting what I have said;  I could care less! 

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