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Posts posted by ddhm

  1. KARMA makes us all fool 😂🤣 … Can STILL remember the comments of her being shy , hiding and so many other things that have been posted from people who EXPECT from day 1 a tenant to become Leora or I don’t know who , THE TRUTH is that Karma develops in a great participant , her whole presence , quiet but underneath a powerful personality READY FOR EVERYTHING , thank you Karma on having changed really great the villa , if Cecilia had stayed and with all rest Sabina , Lali and of course Sara , it would have been perfection .


    Lesson learned hopefully FOR MANY PEOPLE here , please give time to tenants ( and please don’t cry now that the Karma / Sara love story 😂🤣 won’t be happening .. ) 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Xarvaz said:

    I'm surprised there are people watching those two, they are terribly boring and unpleasant to look at, a robot with Tupperware

    Luckily we have these two and their adventures with any of the others who like to mix with them plus Cecilia and her guy who offer some SERIOUS adult content , Mati and Amalia and Jadith / Isaac are just sex and gets boring like all couples that aren’t open in adventures after a while , Karol and Kos plus Alberto and Jade have just daily real life moments , can’t wait for Wolf and Margo to introduce the new member in their sexual experiences . 

  3. Finally … One of the worst tenants FINALLY he is gone . Now , of course it would be nice to get a girl and see how she might be affecting the dynamics with Wolf and Margo who actually own the place ( Nelly and Bogdan are there just for decoration reasons since more and more everyday they abandon themselves from the rest as the villas shows / happenings ) and for sure offer endless adult content , but I think RLC will keep on with the decision they have taken to have two males in the villa .


    Now , if we get a guy that can form a kind of strong relationship with Wolf and have the same success and cool character like we saw with Dylan , it can really shake things up with the tenants that currently are inactive and they don’t like to visit the villa or being social ( Octavia , Esmi , Nadia , Kelly ) , who knows , maybe will be some really great times ahead . And also , I would DEFINITELY like to see Wolf get kind of competition and get the Alpha Male undisputed role he has all over Barcelona apartments ( Mati and Issac don’t seem to be bothered to get involved in any adventures , Kos and Karol are a serious relationship and Bogdan and Alberto don’t even think anything of such things ) questioning . I would like to see if we get a new male tenant how it will be with Margo , that  will be fun 😊

  4. 1 hour ago, Machevh said:

    She is definitely skilled and experienced in both pussy licking and cock sucking.
    I believe that she too, like Cicilia and Fiora, has an outside relationship so with males she is not allowed to go too far (no penetration) and therefore feels more at ease in shows with girls.
    While Lali is free and pushes herself to the end without problems, many criticize her for her appearance but in this short time she was fucked by three different males and licked three pussies... if they all had this score RLC would definitely be less boring.

    In general , as I think it is obvious , the cast in the villas is great for the first time since , hmm , forever 😆 , except Lacrim and the couple occupying one room . That’s why sending Cecilia away ruined so many scenarios that we could have and also now needing to see how it will be with Daytona . 

  5. 1 hour ago, amiya.ifrit013 said:

    I think that as long as both are open and honest about things, it will mostly be alright for now. Sara knows what happened at and after the kink party. Karma knows about Sara’s boyfriend (although he doesn’t know about Karma), and Sara even admitted earlier that she thought about Karma during sex with him.
    As it was said yesterday, Sara enjoys what she has with Karma more at the moment, cause she feels more open, in addition, she seems adamant on having her boyfriend over to the villa, she wants to share what is important in her life. He seems to try and come up with any and all excuses to not come. From what i got from the conversation was that between Sara and his dog, he chooses his dog.
    But i think that as long as she is dependent on him in regards to the partnership, she’s going to have to accept whatever he says. 

    If Sara wants to have fun with a guy , she  will , she controls how things work in her life 😇

  6. That was a bit chaotic .. One of the Child’s friends ends up is Sara’s room .. The main door to Sara’s room remains open . Sara is under the bed sheet , after some minutes of silence , the guy asks her if she’s not feeling warm wearing also her jacket . Some seconds later and with Sara trying to realize what she was asked , she responds telling him that it is indeed hot and she removes her jacket remaining with a top under the bed sheet .


    The guy starts caressing her hand , Sara asks him to tell her a nice story . The guy , surprised as they were silent , he asks her confused want he would like her to say . Then after again seconds of silence , Sara asks him what he would like to do in the future , work and so on . He answers the the wants to be a police officer because it is good money in Spain ( that’s maybe why Lacrim has the police costume 😂) . Then the guy , still caressing her hand , asks her the same question , Sara again with seconds of silence she answers  that she wants to have good times , the guy seemed not to understand , he asked her again , Sara takes nearly a minute to answer only telling him to repeat the question because she forgot  what he asked her 😆 .. The guy repeats himself , Sara takes her time and she seems confused without defining and the guy “ helps “ her by telling her that she will be painting because she seems to like it . A still “ confused “ Sara asks him again to repeat because she forgot what he asked her and then she confirms that she really likes that . At a certain point Lacrim entered the room to check what’s going on , the guy slightly smiled without talking showing Lacrim that all is fine . 

    The guy continues caressing, Sara changes many times positions , he starts slowly kissing her arms and maybe her neck , Sara tells him again that she apologizies because SHE’S HIGH 😆 . The guy listens to her and “ Ahh , you are high “ and he keeps on and then I also quit watching because Sara started snoring after some minutes of silence and the guy just kept caressing her . 

    Conclusion ( MY OPINION ) , the guy should have either closed the door and try his luck , Sara gave him 3 hints that she wanted to have fun at her state ( removal of her jacket , allowing caressing and small kisses , telling him that she wants to have happy times ) but the door was a major factor not to proceed which HE DID THE RIGHT THING . If he had tried for more , he would be accused for things that also others have been in the past .. If it was Karma , nobody would have said anything if more was happening ..


    This was more or less the timeframe that the guy shared with Sara , didn’t check all and this is a short description for anyone seeing the thumbnail with him at the replay top cameras 😉

    • Thanks 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

            I believe the comments I made were in reference to the comments that you and your like minded hypocritical pal were making in reference to one of the participants of rlc that this thread has been continually renewed in regards to for years now as was mentioned multiple times in my comments although you conviently attempt to make it seem otherwise.  

    Couldn’t say it better … YOU BELIEVE .. just you . 

    Please answer me , WHAT DO YOU THINK of the developments in the apartment  ? How you characterize the relationship of Leora and Paul ? Do you think they are ok or there are problems that are hidden , like lack of communication , time sharing that isn’t much , private adult life .. what do you think ? Are you satisfied of what Leora offers ? How you characterize Paul’s behavior towards Leora and the opposite ? 

    These are ON TOPIC discussions , as I said . The night is long especially now that Barcelona might be cooling down . 

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    I would like to get back to talking about Leora.

    What do you think of Leora's BJ skills? 

    Very poor , she doesn’t have a technique , that’s why also Paul isn’t getting “ CRAZY “ with her and he needs to jerk off ..  She should watch either more porn or practice with one of her toys .. 


    When Paul came from Russia , I made a comment that she seemed that her blowjob was improved all this time that she was with her Czech Republic guy and Paul was seeing / feeling the results and of course all of us .. 1,5 years later , it is a pity what we watch .. 

    • Confused 1
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  9. Just now, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    Please check the Global Rules, I wasn't able to find anything on sticking on topic. But I could be incorrect. The boss can and I have seen him require us to go back on topic. But when we have failed he has given the topic a timeout.

    I do love the ability to be able to go off-topic at times. Surely you can't be that strict not to allow anyone the right to chat off topic if they want to. 

    You are not required to engage in anything you don't want to.

    The guy since 2 hours is off topic attacking two other forum members because he doesn’t agree with what we post when we post PRECISELY for the apartment . What more to say about it ? 

    • Confused 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

           You are a fucking joke just like the majority of either the responses or no responses other than the hundreds or perhaps even thousands of the negative emoji's your ridiculous hypocritical comments have recieved since you started the ridiculous unnecessary tirade of long winded chapters and novels you have posted in attempts to try to sway others opinions into believing in such ridiculous b.s. of yours.

    Thank you for your kind words , I appreciate your attention 😇 The girl known as Leora is happy with you , you proved your loyalty to her as a faithful subject .


    Off topic , still waiting to see any related comments . The night is long . 

    • Sad 1
  11. Just now, studev3131 said:

    You may be right @ddhm this guy doesn't want to be a pornstar, as he doesn't do anything after all that petting with their clothes on.

    I can’t say that someone is a porn star because he simply wants to act normally in front of cameras and he doesn’t want to for whatever reasons . Porn star needs a directed moment , camera angles and so on .. if he fucks his girlfriend he becomes a pornstar ? 

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