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Posts posted by frezio22

  1. 6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    I can see from your postings that you are without doubt an intellectual giant,  and that Paul and The Little Ones intelligence levels pale into irrelevance and insignificance when matched against yours.🎓

    I am equally sure that they both will not loose a moment of sleep worrying about your assessment of their social and intellectual status, as they have become immune from the rantings of imbeciles from previous experiences.

    If you watch carefully today, you may see them heartily laugh at your remarks, as at best they are laughable, verging on pathetic.

    The Little One will no doubt give your views deep thought and consideration when she slips her perfect breasts and magnificent arse into some of the most expensive underwear that can be bought, and when the  really cold weather arrives wraps a mink coat around herself. 😂 lol....And the next time Paul is pushing his tongue into her pussy, I bet he will grin and think how good is the life of a refugee. I know I would .lol  😜🤑

    I cannot believe I have interrupted my vacation to bother responding to you, but sometimes needs must.😎


    Toodles!! 🖕

    For Jimbo If you've interrupted your holidays for this you're an idiot look while Paul the refugee sweeps the Leora you you've got a celebratory spastic activity

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