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ooopel last won the day on April 18 2018

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  1. still i wait for you..!!
     would stay no matter how long is..!!
     no fears or disappointed will hit upon me..!! 
    i will see you in every sunrise..!!
     and i waiting you in every moon appearance..!!
    1000 years or less or more..!!
    when you come,
    oh,my beloved you will finding me,
    i still for you i wait..!!
    Signatureooopel  {:heart: Merry Christmas my angel :heart: }

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ooopel


      oh hiii uuuuu,my dear Amy, my a silver butterfly,hello 1000 time,please forgive me i have bad connection , still cut me off..!! hate it a much i meant the connection ! miss you too much !! are you liked it?!! would hope don't bring any tears in your dear eyes we in  an ambiance of Christmas !!and a live in Christmas if there any gift's and some of kisses.:heart::heart:

    3. Amy3


      Just please delete the "d"! Indeed, I love you in the best way possible! ❤️

    4. ooopel


      catch you! the d it's show your place in heart of someone! oh dear !you notes my heart is saying! Lv ❤️u too!! wasn't me that who which say!!::)

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