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Posts posted by le5b05

  1. As far as I know there is no PROOF that they read the forums, just speculation.  Maybe they do, maybe they don't.  It should be none of our concern.

    But as was pointed out to me sometime ago, they are adults and should know what they are doing.  If there are any repercussions then they will have to deal with it just as the rest of us do in our lives.  No one made them sign up to RLC, they chose to live their lives under this spotlight. 

    So if you wish to post in Russian, then it is your prerogative to do so.  Good luck with that, I will stand by with Google translate and read with interest if you do.

  2. 47 minutes ago, akriana said:

    Why? Was their relationship so bad before? 😔

    It is well documented.  I do not wish to bore everyone here by repeating this!  So if you PM me then I will give you some background information.  But only some, PM's on here are based on trust, you will first have to prove to me that your intentions are honourable, that you mean them "no harm", only then will I give you a more concise history.

    Over to you...

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, alokin said:

    Meybe ...   tonight winter is going in  this bedroom  ...  .... sory ...  winter stay ....  2 times sex for 30 days

    Hi Alokin nice to hear from you again.  No I am not being sarcastic, it is genuinely nice to see you posting again.  As always you have your opinion and I respect that.

    2 times sex in 30 days....  Ooooh!  I wish I had that much :biggrin:....

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  4. 10 hours ago, Calatilla76 said:

    As sexy as Kira is I think she'd look even sexier as a redhead (I'm biased of course :biggrin:  )

    She does indeed.  She has had red hair in the past, possibly a few times if my memory serves me well. if you search past posts there may still be a pic of her with Red hair.  Nina and Kira often change their hair, which is why so many get confused as to which is which.

    Personally I prefer the blonde with darker streaks look. :heart:.  But to each his/her own.

    Right now their hair color is minor, what I care about is how much HAPPIER they BOTH are with each other.  Sooooo many more smiles these days it gladdens the heart to see them this way. :biggrin::biggrin:

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  5. Well what a surprise this morning.  Kira is wearing a dress today.  Probably only the third or fourth time I have seen her in one.  She looked LOVELY:heart:.

    Warning! Warning, Fashion police alert.  For those not interested skip this paragraph and move on.  It is a Dark Blue sleeveless number that is rather fetching.  She topped it off with a lightweight Black jacket and Black tights.  A light touch of makeup and her hair clipped back with a butterfly clasp.  On her feet she wore ankle length lace up boots.  The one "faux pas" and it's only MY opinion folks, is she wore a Brown belt with it.  Not good.  A stronger color such as Red or White would have been better, and also make her waist look narrower, not that it needs it.  Black would have matched everything up including the handbag.  Mind you I would be very proud to be stood next to her anytime throughout the day, knowing that other people were admiriing her style.

    OK done.  The other thing of note is that Kira refused to play the wake up game with Nina this morning, she was too pressed for time, and was not putting up with too much nonsense.  Nina of course left it to the very last minute, just time enough to kiss goodbye in the hallway.  Before settling down on the couch...

    • Like 1
  6. Now here we are less than a week after the turnaround by New Nina.  Nina has grown as a woman in these few short days, she is no longer the petulant child, pouting if she did not get her own way.  Now she is more caring and more supportive of Kira around the apartment.  These are all positive steps to a more fulfilling relationship, a relationship in which the rewards can be enormous, for who on here does not envy Nina.  She gets to sleep with and wake up next to, one of Gods greatest creatures.

    The most wonderful thing about this new found womanhood, is how it is now more even, not so lopsided, they both seem to be on equal terms, that in itself brings great rewards.

    They still have their wake up game in the morning, where Nina refuses to get out of bed until the last possible moment, which frustrates Kira.  Only now there are more kisses and caresses from both of them, with Nina instigating some of the hugs, a wonderful sight, with lots more smiles.  This morning Nina once again recieved a back scratch from Kira, a little thing to some perhaps, but there can be a lot of meaning in such an act if you look closely enough.  If Nina could just improve on this one thing, and get out of bed sooner then her change will be almost complete and she will become the perfect partner for Kira that we know she could be.

    What am I saying. "I told you I was ill"::)                      A quote from Spike Milligan Irish comedian, written on his gravestone. 2002.

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  7. Just to add to ed2's description of Nina or New Nina as I am going to have to call her.  Hair color is not reliable as they swap and change styles on a regular basis, Nina is slightly taller with a more boyish figure, she also has Tattoos on her body, notably on both arms.  A small one above her right breast, and a rather delicate one on her upper left back just below the shoulder.  Kira has none.

    As to which one is the most beautiful is open to serious, if not fierce debate.  I have a soft spot for Kira, I like to think I am more protective towards her, because apparently she has been through some rough times in her life.  None of us will ever know about these, some secrets are best kept as secrets.

    There was never any doubting of Kira's LOVE and DEVOTION to Nina:heart:.  She is besotted and hopelessly captivated by Nina. 

    I have been forthright in speaking out against Nina for the way she has treated Kira, this all came to a head a few weeks ago when Kira went away on holiday without Nina.  It was a gut wrenching and tearful goodbye, for those that watched it and care about these girls as I do.  My take on this is well documented on past posts, but in a nutshell, I believe it was a trial seperation to see if they could live without each other.  The return of Kira was not as joyous as it should have been and there were still some sad moments and arguments.  I feared their relationship could be doomed to failure, until suddenly Nina changed...

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  8. It looks like Nina has a new iPhone 8.  When did that happen?  I don't know, I turn my back for a day or two and something important happens, well at least for Nina.  I must admit it looks more stylish than the last one.

    More importantly, when they went to bed, Nina put it under the bed straightaway.  They turned toward each other and embraced, lots of gentle affection between them :heart::heart:.

    So new phone, new found love for each other, new happiness.

    I am begining to Love this New Nina, this New Nina rocks.  :biggrin:

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  9. Hi folks, I'm back but only for a moment to keep the thread alive.

    Just dropped in on the girls.  It looks like they have ordered Pizza (making me hungry).  All smiles and laughter watching something on TV, interspersed with some passionate kisses.  The new found happiness here is tangible.

    Bravo girls for sorting out your differences and loving each other completely again :heart:.  Such a pleasure to see your smiles.

  10. Sorry folks that I have not posted lately.  Health issues prevent me from spending too much time online at the moment.

    It is unlikely that I will post much in the next few days, I have a mini battle to fight, in which I must/will come out of victorious.

    If anyone is interested and wants my opinion/observations on a specific item, then feel free to PM me and I will respond, though only privately by PM's.

    I have to limit my time here on the forum.  thank you in advance for your understanding.

  11. 3 hours ago, Calatilla76 said:

    She's been this way for a day or 2 now. Lastnight, just before Kira left(maybe going to work?) Nina was all over her, hugs, kisses, both laughing. She even gave Kira a playful kick up the butt as she went out the door.

    15:35 Both gone out, all wrapped up warm.

    Shame on me I missed this.  Sounded like they are having fun again, oh please let this continue, they both look so much happier now.::)

  12. The girls are up now 13:45 their time, and I am in big big trouble.:confused:

    There has just been a remarkable show of affection from Nina to Kira, she sarted it as soon as she put down the ipad which they had been looking at together.  It was delicious to watch, with Kira smiling a LOT.  Whispered sweet nothings to each other and squeals of delight.:heart:

    So, Why am I in trouble?  The change of attitude in Nina is astonishing.  Way beyond what I thought she was capable of.  Nina is now so full of surprises to me that I am going to have to re-think my appraisel of her.  Therein lies the problem.

    I am going to have to eat some of my words from past posts, I am going to have to eat soooo much "Humble pie" that the pounds will pile on to my hips and waistline with incredible speed.  Oh dear so many "calories".:biggrin:



  13. Ooops! My posts are out chronological order there.  When I logged in I went straight to notifications which missed out the 2 posts from Chris b.  Hope this is not confusing you too much folks.

    I was wrong (I know, it happens a lot) about the early start today, they are still tucked up in bed together, Kira naked, Yum Yum, and Nina in her chick suit.  I hope I am wrong about Nina's health too and that she is not going down with the Flu.  I know she can be a bit fragile at times healthwise, bless her.:angel:

  14. OK.  Thanks for that!  I owe you yet again, one day soon I will find a way to repay you, just gotta figure out how.  If you want anything let me know.

    So with St P, being over 1000km further North then my next posting became more relevant, as it 's going to get a damn lot colder.  Though telling this to someone in Canada is a bit futile, as you will know already (is that the jewish in me coming out)?:biggrin:

    According to sat24.com the temp in St P, is barely going to reach 10c today, so the snow will come sooner rather than later.  As for Canada, one of my favorite comedians is Katherine Ryan, she is brilliant.  I think she once described Canada as having only two Seasons, Winter and waiting for it :biggrin:.


  15. The girls arrived home together last night, not too late, yet looking a little subdued.  Unusually, they went off to bed within about twenty minutes, and more importantly they went off to bed together, Nina did not stay up on her own. 

    I think she may be feeling unwell, going down with the Flu perhaps.  She was sleeping on the couch earlier and I wanted to throw a blanket over her, give her a big hug, and then go and make her a bowl of chicken soup.  I think it's what mums all over the world do when they see a loved one is poorly.  She also dressed in her little chicken outfit for bed, possibly feeling the cold now that autumn/fall is upon us.  They are both wearing thicker coats and hats now when they go out anywhere, I think the snows are soon due.

    It could be that they have an early start in the morning (Saturday) and need to get some sleep.


  16. I can understand your reasoning here, but not convinced.  Yes they live in an apartment building but I think it is on the ground floor.  When it is dark in the morning, you can occasionally see reflected in the photograph on the wall, opposite cam 3, someone walking past the window.  Also when a car drives past the lights shine though the window on an almost level keel, rather than upwards towards the ceiling.

    There are two windows along the wall.  One behind the keyboard and the other next to cam 2, this has the balcony where they sometimes stand and have a smoke.  Thankfully Nina has given up the cigarettes and is now vaping, it is a step in the right direction and the girl deserves praise for this.

    I was wondering about the reference to Kiev, I have no idea which city they live in, to be honest I thought it was Russia somewhere.  This would tally with my inability to translate much of their discussions as I have been using the wrong language in Google translate.  Some of the words I have identified have translated better from Ukranian, so maybe this is where they live? 

    If "Roksis" is dropping in on these posts, perhaps he/she could help us out a little here, and point us in the right direction.  I also owe "Roksis" a big personal thank you and a reward, for the post made a few weeks ago, it is on that post and my own observations, where I formulated my theory No 2 the other day as to what was happening in their lives.  see page 25.

    As this is also the theory that had the least amount of denials, then we can (POSSIBLY) assume I was not too far off the mark.  One thing is certain, Nina is growing up as a woman, she is more loving and attentive towards Kira and she is actually begining to grow on me.  For without a doubt as far as I am concerned these two girls are the most beautiful ladies on rlc.

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  17. 5 hours ago, Calatilla76 said:

    I also use a computer mouse right handed, I've tried using it left handed, same with a toothbrush but I can't. 

    OK.  Now I'm really intrigued.  You just know I'm going to have to do some research on this.  There is bound to be a scientific explanation for why this happens.  I'll get back to you...

    It appears that the Corpus Callosum (CC - the part that acts as the bridge between the two hemispheres of the brain) is slightly deeper and wired differently in genuine left handed people.  Some people are genuinely ambidextrous, (use left or right hands for most tasks equally), but the CC is the same as a right hander, but transmits the information across this bridge as it would for a dominant left hander.

    As for computer mice, it appears to be a question of mouse design more than inability.  Even symetrical looking mice, are not genuinly symetrical.  Also left handed mice fall down on one key aspect of computing in that the mouse pointer always points to the upper left towards the end of the index finger on the right hand, (To change this to be opposite requires specalist software), so that the brain interprets the mouse movements correctly, otherwise you are fighting against a natural instinct to go in the direction you are pointing.  It is a similar problem of recognition when someone writes the word blue but it is written in green, especially in the young.  See, I bet most of you had to do a double take there.

    Now who would have thought that CC would be educational.  Sorry if it bores the rest of you, but you don't have to read it.

  18. 1 minute ago, Calatilla76 said:

    I brush my teeth with my right hand, but I'm left handed.

    Hmmm!  So she is not alone then.  So not so strange after all, maybe it is the way you are taught as a child, before you and those around you realise you are left/right handed. 

    If your parents are right handed then it stands to reason that is how they taught you and things like that stick in the formative years.

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  19. It's not unusual for them to go out late, I think there may be an all night grocery store nearby, because I've seen Kira come back with full grocery bags after going out this late before.

    Kira has just been in the bathroom, cleaning her teeth, it is strange that she always uses her left hand for this task, yet she is right handed?

    Doing some exercises, limbering up and stretching, working on her core again.  Damn is this girl sexy the way she rolls her head, stretching her neck muscles. 

    Into the bedroom and using the little dumbell weight.  Stretching her back and toning her bust, Wow.  Now in to bed, she is still having trouble with her neck, and using the little roll pillow.

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