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Posts posted by le5b05

  1. Wow, it appears I'm going to be allowed to live, and after such heresy too.  Only joking folks, it's early yet...

    No 3 was not going to be a real starter, it is just something that was mentioned in a PM to me some time ago.  NO! I aint telling. PM's are private as you all know, and they'll remain private.  But it had a ring of truth to it, and it's own merits.  Though I think it's been said before rlc do not interfere.

    No 1 Still holds some water, as just because they are still in the band together does not mean they are still "connected",  They just have to keep it on a professional level from now on.  The last time DE stayed was when Kira was away I think.  She made a point of taking her PJ's away with her as she left, leaving no evidence no doubt.  The last fleeting visit was the Saturday morning of Nina's exhibition stuff, since then nothing to my knowledge.  let us not forget that Kira is not above checking out Nina's phone, so she would soon know if Nina reneged.

    No 2  Is the one I hold out for.  There have been several long discussions between them of late, all very friendly with smiles and laughter reigning supreme.  This is the most logical and plausible, as now they may find they have a direction to go in, something to aim for together, to plan for, to dream about.

    Hopes and dreams folks, it's what most people live for and strive for.  A place of their own, to settle down in a friendly community that cares about their neighbors, and looks after their own.


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  2. OK I've just found my fire extuinguisher anyway.

    Theory 1.  Doe eyes has been banished from Nina's life.  Possibly after an ultimatum from Kira  An it's either Me or Her scenario.  That would explain the reduced use of the phone, if as I suspect, a huge chunk of her texts  and calls were to DE.

    Theory 2.  Nina finally realises just how precious Kira really is to her.  She has decided she cannot live without her and so must make some changes to keep Kira happy.  The heart to heart talk with Kira about moving to another Country, settling down and possibly   having a child, bears this theory out.

    Theory 3.  They have been informed that their days with rlc are numbered unless something changes and they spice things up a little (least likely).  But, and it's a big but, Kira is more "au fait" with the cameras again, which would explain this.

    That's it.  Fire away folks let me know

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  3. 7 hours ago, Chris b said:

    I am new here  But i have to say Nina does seen to be some what  lazy. I belive those dishes in the sink were there all day yesterday and she did nothing and its only Kira i have seen doing the rubbish bag all i see nina do is sit around on the phone  playing the playstion most of the day. maybe im wrong but that what i have noticed 

    I am afraid you are perfectly correct, Nina is LAZY and always has been.  It was kinda OK about 8 - 9 months ago before Kira started going out to work, as she was there all day.  She was working cloning cellphones and sorting out the paperwork for them, and doing all the record keeping.  Nina it seems was out delivering the phones and setting up new contacts?  We are not sure what they were setting up, but it appears to be up and running now and earning them money.

    In spite of working all day on the phones, Kira still found time to do the housework, cooking and laundry.  So when Nina came home most times there was a meal ready for her. The whole apartment was much cleaner and tidier then.  Even when Kira was out working all day, she would come home and have to start doing cooking or laundry, even though she was totally knackered.  Nina would then more often than not go out for the evening, often alone which Kira certainly did not like at times.  Lots of arguments.

    Nina did very little to help, it was a rarity to see her do anything other than text on her phone, then came the ipad and now the PS4.  So her time was pretty much booked.

    Until the last week or so.  Nina has been helping a little around the apartment, she has even been cooking and Gasp!  I saw her washing the dishes the other night!

    They have had their ups and downs, and most are well documented if you read past posts.  The thing is, something has happened lately and Nina is being MUCH more helpful and attentive to Kira.  Putting down her phone and instigating affection towards Kira, which was unheard of just a few weeks ago, it's been a long time coming, but a huge step forward for her.  I for one hope this continues or even improves.

    I have a few theories as to why there has been a turnaround, but they are only theories.  If any one is interested I will air those theories, put on my flameproof jacket and hard hat, and take the fallout that ensues...

    Alternatively if someone else has more concrete information, then come on, let us know, we're all waiting to hear.

    As an aside, the typos are caused by typing too quickly, it's the way the system works.  Slow down and they will disappear.


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  4. 7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Red Heads are also called Ginger.

    Well sort of.  Auburn is another term for this color.  Ginger has a more golden, yellowish tinge, but I'm being pedantic.  Also, in the UK in the 70's - 80's being "Ginger" meant something entirely different and it was not complimentary.  So used with caution.

    Either way, Nina, as a fiery redhead is a potent mix.

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  5. Kira off to work in the morning leaving Nina home alone.  She spent her time mostly on the couch, either on the PS4, her phone or laptop.  In the evening she then prepares to go out.

    The new hair extensions are settling down now.  She is looking STUNNING with her long Red hair falling down her back. It really, really suits her.  Both physically and character  wise.  She may have taken her time picking and choosing the look she wanted, but OMG was it worth the wait.  Absolutely gorgeous!


  6. Well they had lots of tender moments tonight, particularly in the bathtub.:heart:  Both of them seem to be making an extra effort not to antagonise the other.  Nina has used her phone much less tonight and even helped in the kitchen, though it seems neither of them had much of an appetite.  Nina instigating and giving Kira more kisses and cuddles, which is lovely.  They are off to bed now, and I suspect some much needed sleep.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Barry Elephant said:

    wow, talk about seeing what you want to see.

    In my paltry defence.  Yes it was.  The same look she had on the night/morning of the infamous 3some with Doe Eyes.  After the game had been put away and Kira went to the bathroom, she then came back and pounced on DE and gave her several passionate kisses.  Nina sat on the edge of the couch and looking towards cam 3, you could see that look then. Half opened mouth, looking directly ahead, a look of quiet expectation.  That is MY interpretation, rightly or wrongly.

    There were other similarities last night, of previous "encounters", that have happened in this apartment, I was merely reporting what I see.  My apologies if I have been misunderstood or lead people astray, that is never my intention.  Merely to create interest.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Chris b said:

    they have brought somebody else how is it another threesome victim at the moment she's laying on the floor with her dress up and kira keeps glancing down because she kira can see her pussy and the girl on the floor i think is doing it on on purpose


    I think I have seen her before in the apartment, though I cannot remember when and in what circumstances.  She was laying on the floor because she was, well, shall we say "worse for wear", it all depends on what exactly they were smoking?  Bearing in mind she had the biggest share of it.  I don't think Nina approves, but then how can she object, when she's vaping away.  Kira may have been looking down at the girl but I did not see too much of a gleam in her eyes.  We shall soon see what transpires...

  9. 37 minutes ago, bigmac18 said:

    Thanks for the insight.

    Denmark has one of the most liberal laws for marrying, so i can understand N&K want to marry there. Even foreigners can marry, and (of course) same-sex marriage.


    Glad to hear they improve their career. I am sure Kira will do fine in the/a new job.

    This explains something I saw the other day.  Kira was in the kitchen filling out a form that looked like an Employment contract, she was meticulous in doing so, so I figured it was very important to her. 

    The other thing is, am I the only one who wondered what was in the box one of them brought home in early September and put on the couch?  (Now on the cabinet in the hall) It looked like folders of some sort.  Well yesterday Kira was searching through it and pulled out a few things such as a stapler, pens  and other office stuff.  Now it dawns on me that this is the sort of thing that happens when you lose, or leave an office job.  You pack all your personal belongings in a box and off you go.  So it could still belong to either of them, as Nina is spending more time at home, and Kira has changed her routine and now takes the laptop with her when she goes out in the morning.   If, as explained by Roksis, that Kira is nervous about moving to another department then it is probably hers.  I do hope the new job works out for her, and she does further her career.

  10. 3 minutes ago, alokin said:

    We were glad to talk about kissing and hanging but just before lying on Nina and getting cold before it was naked and ... it's over ... Nothing else .... Kira's sweetness almost fell asleep while waiting for Nina to finish bathing and now will sleep calm already :) The important thing is that there were no tears !

    Unfortunately, Nina's indecision about her hair colour and changing it, has left little time for anything else.  Though there were moments of much more tenderness and attention to Kira than we've seen for months.  In bed drifting off to sleep now, but I think they've had a good day. A lot more smiles from Kira and they are so worth waiting for.

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