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Posts posted by le5b05

  1. Nina now sat on the couch with tin foil strips on her head doing a wonderful impression of an old TV aerial.  I think, It's a blonde base she's putting on, whitch will leave the chestnut highlights.  I think we've seen her with this hairstyle before, trust me, it will look OK in the morning.

    They've just been spoon feeding each other some tinned fruit, Which is cute. Nina is trying real hard here folks.  lets hope it works and they have settled there differences for now at least.

    • Like 2
  2. Il y a 8 heures, Chris b a dit :

    I am new here i have a question with reallifecam if you join the Standard Membership i know that gives you acsess to  nina and kiras cam my quetion does the Standard Membership give you acsess to all there camers in there appartmant 

    Yes!  Standard gives you all the cameras in the apartment with no real time limits.  It also gives you access to another couple of apartments I think, but I cannot remember which ones now.  Premium gets you everything.  Except replay which is charged seperately.

  3. Kira still struggling to drag Nina out of bed.  A very subdued breakfast eating the last of the gateaux, Kira has no appetite and just picking at it and Nina making her eat more.  Nina is trying to make amends but Kira is still reluctant to forgive it seems.:sad:

    Nina in her "chicken suit" straight on to her phone as kira leaves.  I think she was picked up as she did not take the keys, which means I may have answered my own question yesterday, and Nina does drive. 

    More time to heal today, so tonight they may fully "kiss and make up".  Hope so.

  4. Il y a 1 heure, le5b05 a dit :

    Kira first out of the bath and into pyjama bottoms.  Out in the kitchen preparing dinner.  Nina still in the bath, I've just noticed on her left arm she may have another tatoo.

    Nina shaving her legs, so everything back to normal folks.  The show rolls on.

    Just checked back on replay.  Looks like it started as a text exchange.  Kira at home alone in bed checking her phone.  Nina out somewhere.  Looks like Kira discovered something again. Kira tries to get some sleep but wakes up at 00:19 crying and goes to the bathroom talking to herself.  She continues crying and talking for about 6 minutes in the toilet, then she comes back to bed.  She uses the word "Chom" to herself many times which means "Why".  It was heartbreaking to listen to. 

    A little later Nina comes home goes to the bedroom and says something to Kira then walks out shutting the door behind her.  She sits in the hallway for a few minutes before returning to the bedroom.  Kira ignores her pretending to sleep as she tries to wake her up.  That's when it really kicks off around 00:40 quietly at first, but as we now know, it soon escalated...

  5. il y a 1 minute, StnCld316 a dit :

    it's like watching a Soap Opera.  They have been with RLC coming up 3 years next Month and this type of thing has been seen numerous times so it can almost be predicted what follows.

    Nina just removed her breast enhancements, then tried to cuddle Kira who turned away.  Two minutes later and it's the other way round with Nina shrugging off Kira.  Oh what a topsy-turvy world they live in.

    • Like 2
  6. il y a une heure, bigmac18 a dit :


    Years ago there had been some discussion about the behaviour of Nina, and the possibility of her being somewhere on the autism spectrum. There are some indications: her repetitive movements, her social interactions, her urge to talk extensively about her fascinations, her need to crawl into her own little (phone) world. Without trying to diagnose her, it would help to understand/explain how she does what she does. With this in mind, I personally feel little need to judge what we see in this apartment.


    Although it might sometimes/often look like a uneven relationship, I still cling to the idea of them both really needing each other.

    Absolutely correct that they need each other.  Polar opposites in behaviour, which is often an attraction. 

    Kira does all the work because she has unfettered Love :heart: for Nina.  Whilst Nina may seem to take adavantage all the time, she gives something that Kira needs.  That is someone to care for.  It's the "mother" instinct in her that drives her on.  Which is why she feeds her and dresses her at times, like she did this morning with the bath robe.

    Kira has come out from behind the drawers, still sitting on the floor (her safety net position).  Both look to have been crying extensively.  I wonder what kicked this off???

  7. Il y a 2 heures, ed2 a dit :

    Nina got a Playstation for her birthday, now she even play while eating, and too occupied to even look at Kira, who made food and practically brings it infront of her

    To be fair, Nina would do this whilst on her phone.  As it is this may just be a masterstroke by Kira, buying Nina the PS4.  Because last night she even managed to play with the playstation herself, it's not much, but they are doing something together for once, instead of being excluded.  As the novelty of playing alone wears off I think that more and more they will have competitions between each other, and that can be half the fun.   As we know, Kira can be very competetive, so let's watch this space.

    The other thing of note, is it will probably be the one thing that Nina will get out of bed for.  As for this morning, for those of us who watched it,  if seeing Nina playing semi-naked in the lounge is anything to go by, we could be treated to some wonderful moments in the very near future. :biggrin:  I say give it a bit more time before passing judgement.  A little more patience may well be rewarded.  :cool:

    • Like 1
  8. il y a 9 minutes, Maturin a dit :

    I could watch her play PS4, especially if she regularly does that "knee-trembling," thing.  That was an orgasm right?  If so then already it's 1000% better than watching Lev!

    No!  Sorry about that, it's not an orgasm, I was just teasing.  She has a nervous tic regularly, but it usually only involves the one leg.  Believe me, when Nina has an orgasm the whole neighborhood knows, and her whole body trembles, it's a delight to behold...:heart:

    • Like 1
  9. il y a une heure, alokin a dit :

    Another night Nina and the tablet intimate! :)

    Yes!  They are falling back into the old routine.  There was a moment yesterday morning in the bedroom at 10:15 where Kira was sat at the end of the bed.  Nina came around and gave Kira a gentle yet passionate kiss and caress, it was a beautiful moment to watch.  But that was all it was, a moment.  That is not enough, if Nina wants to save their marriage then she must try harder, much, much harder.  These moments are few and far between.  So Alokin, as I've said " be careful of what you wish for you might  just get it". 

    I will stand by my earlier prediction, 4 weeks max, and your wish may be granted.  Nina and Kira will be replaced and they will become part of rlc history, maybe even folklore. 

    So unless something drastic happens that will be it.  Already on this forum interest has waned yet again, and quite rightly.  I only hope for your sake Alokin their replacement is more to your liking.  As for me, when it happens it will be a very sad day. :sad:

  10. Well it looks like role reversal between them now.  Nina was taken off to work this morning and Kira has returned to the apartment and is working on the laptop.  I think Kira is also the chauffeur, another role she has to play, as she seems to be the one who fetches and carries both groceries and people to the apartment.  Not sure if Nina even drives, they keep the car keys on the pin board in the hall most of the time and it's nearly always Kira who picks them up.

    Or it may be that Kira is still on vacation from work for a few more days, this should give her some valuable downtime.  At least the place will be an awful lot tidier now.

    Just before noon their time and Kira has just climbed in to bed, still playing catch up on her sleep no doubt.  Sleep tight precious.  :angel:

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