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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 2 minutes ago, EyesOnly said:

    It surprises me how many people think that one government trying to do something to another country’s government is something new. The Internet simply gave everybody a nw angle on spying and overthrow. But it has been going on since day 1. As an American I do not fear Russia meddling. They are simply trying to do to us, what we would like to do to them. Besides, I think China is better at hacking. The difference is what each is trying to accomplish. China is stealing industrial secrets and infringements to grow their economy, which is what Trump is trying to address - the bigger threat. What Russia is trying to do is simply par for the course.

    The demon-crats are like the 3 monkeys, don't see, don't hear, & don't say. They will never change & this country will  become a 3rd world country 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    We stay at the Hyatt Hotel in South Beach and take an Uber from the airport! Joey will buy the first round of Mojitos! 😊

    Let me know when you're in SOUTH BEACH, i live in MIAMI & i'm still not working !!! Hopefully I'll be back too work soon

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Oh my! If I could take you all somewhere it would have to be South Beach Miami. That's the place for us! A voyeurs dream come true. We'd have a blast on the duck boat tour!! Quack quack! 🦆🐬

    Try finding a parking space in South Beach, it's very crowded & there's bumper to bumper traffic 

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