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Posts posted by happyboy

  1. On 5/7/2020 at 1:59 AM, Stesha said:

    hi everyone) I'll introduce you a little bit).  The girl with the tattoo on her chest is Stephanie) The girl without the tattoos is Alexa.  And the girl with the tattoo on her left chest, as you thought, is not a tattoo at all, but a mole))) her name is Anna.  A girl with tattoos under her breasts, blonde, her name is Aisha))

    All very beautiful girls...wish they cammed....thanks too for the A&C video...one of my favorite routines...best one was done in the movie


  2. i think it made her turn lesbian....also, i know i am probably years late on this, but what is it with the white around the nipples?  is that her or makeup?  Lastly i wish they would turn off the stupid TV, radio, whatever so we can hear them moan and smack their lips....often it is so loud and grating i have to turn off the sound...miss alot of screamers that way. 

  3. ok, that's it...no more girls allowed in the apartment...i was confused enough as it was with three, not knowing which was Aleska and which was Stephanie...now with a fourth?  .....  so, i have as choices:

    Apparent leader with new flower tats over both breasts

    her alter ego with word tats under her breasts

    TALL wallflower who sits on the outside observing but not participating...no tats

    New Girl - is that a tat next to her left breast? 

    So, who can Name That Tat? 

  4. On 4/12/2020 at 4:51 PM, killtime said:

    Why in the fuck would you contact them? I would think seeing them fuck up and flood the bathroom would be kind of the point of watching. I read these comments here and wonder what the fuck you people want sometimes. 

    we dont want them kicked out cause they flooded their apartment, and apartments below....and why are u being such a fucktard?  

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