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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 8 minutes ago, jjkopite said:

    Killing an awful lot of people just for propaganda purposes! I personally knew 6 people who died from Covid so I must admit I tend to take it seriously but, hey, you just continue living in your little bubble and believing all the conspiracy experts who know they are the only people who know the truth! 

    Well said JJ 👍

    To hear/read that is just unbelievable i must say. And they say, we are being brainwashed :biggrin:

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  2. To be honest i think UK's way of counting the cases is rather inaccurate. If you have covid and get hit by a bus you are still recorded as dying from covid :biggrin: I thing Germany's counting method is devised by Volkswagon as they have always seemed to be extremely low but then maybe Germany are working miracles who knows? France is right alongside and they have completely differnent figues? Anyway whoever is right or wrong, it ain't a competition.

  3. 1 hour ago, Daleys said:

    At this moment i think the UK has made the wrong the decision they should have waited till the delta strain was contained more.  Next year is when i think they should have done it. I'm referring to the use of masks and social distancing.

    How long should we carry on then until all businesses are bust? People are still advised to wear masks and most are especially in shops etc. To wait until next year is certainly a no go,people have to work so you just have to bite the bullet sometimes. The figures are slowly lowering so it seems to be going in the right direction but who knows eh? The trouble is everybody is a bloody expert :biggrin:

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  4. 6 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

    70% of all deaths in us were people over the age of 70 --certainly no reason to shut down practically all of our businesses and schools --Millions of jobs lost--And most of their numbers were phony as the rest of our mainstream news is in this country

    Many no doubt were not vaccinated but why let that cloud your judgement.The current delta variant is badly effecting the rest now but hey ho, just let it rip eh and dam the consequences. The UK is now basically free of lockdowns and are relying on the vaccination programs and the common sense of people, we can only hope this will be the correct decision but only time will tell.

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