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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 1 hour ago, FelixTheCat said:

    You sit in a hole wasting your life monitoring everything about these voyeur sites like your life depended on it. You even track people who webcam and porn stars too on all sorts of platforms, even social media, and you have the gall to laugh at a girl cause she did anal porn!

    What exactly do you find so fucking funny?

    There's no accounting for tastes anyway, I doubt if he even sees my posts as i am probably on his ignore list. You probably are as well :biggrin:

    He's happy i suppose in his own little world of statistics and porn sites :biggrin:

  2. 1 minute ago, x192023 said:

    Yeah just a bunch of Scott’s children. Is quiet a mess

    I did really like Briana but she wouldn’t give it up to Scott. So he kicked her out. She always brought in some good people and good parties. Now just so  lame 😒  and she was so gorgeous!

    Apart from anything else can't stand Scott either :biggrin:

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  3. 17 minutes ago, disneykid said:

    Long faces again tonight  Nina came in never spoke to Kira for about half an hour even over dinner ,just looked at her phone and laptop .
    Kira has gone upstairs to the guest room on her computer, Left Nina in the kitchen with the birds.

    Happy Days are here again😟

    Nina is a funny bugger you must admit but Kira seems to put up with her tantrums but think it does wear on her a bit sometimes.

    • Haha 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, x192023 said:

    Yeah I use both as well. But do prefer CC. I have noticed a lot more users 

    that I haven’t recognized on CC before 

    Yeah good to have fresh intake of members.

    CC has a very simple interface but it's all there without to much faffing around and the notifications are much better too. Just what you get used to in a way.

    VH forum works well but i think they have tried to be too clever perhaps but i use it ok now but use CC more and i don't see that many have deserted CC which says it all really. Most of them are on both anyway.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Already did tickets about that fan but they change nothing. Maybe you should do another one...

    Not a fan of fans then eh lol.

    Don't watch this apartment at all really unless someone shows something worth watching. Too much of a mess for me to be honest


  6. 6 minutes ago, albundy1089 said:

    I bought this one for Photoshop/Lightroom. I sometimes have to do Gigapixel images that can reach over 500 megabytes. I am considering increasing it to 128GB since I still bog down sometimes. My hot button is upload speed, since I'm sending files to FTP sites a lot.

    In that case i can see why it is needed but you are far from a normal user you must agree.

    Then again you are on here so you are quite normal really :biggrin:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, x192023 said:

    @Robwin do you know if CC will be discontinued later on. Or keep going ?

    Gods knows got no idea. They certainly ain't gonna shut down just because of one new forum i am sure. Many prefer the CC interface and if i was honest so do i, The VH forum so far is to cluttered and busy for my liking. Like they always say less is often more.

    Am using both now but use CC more i think but who knows though. I think many will stay on CC but have an odd dabble in the VH one.

  8. 5 minutes ago, x192023 said:

    10 photos was uploading approx 60 seconds on camcaps 

    the new forum taking 20 seconds 

    this is using my 11 pro iPad 

    Well come on be realistic there's hardly anything stored on the VH forum yet so no wonder it's faster.

    When the VH forum has been going for 6yrs as CC have maybe it will be a ittle different eh. They ain't been going 6 weeks yet let alone 6yrs. :biggrin:

  9. 2 hours ago, albundy1089 said:

    I have been having the same issues, especially with images and the notification tab. I'm on a laptop, I7, 64gb ram, Nvida card and decent internet speed.


    Even on a normal page some piccys take ages to show up.

    I note your download speed lol, mine is nothing like that. Mines around 35 which just goes to show really that high download speeds mean nothing really as normally on mine most things load up instantly. Much the same as ram, once you get above 16GB or even 8GB any more ram hardly makes any differnce to a normal user unless i suppose you are doing very intensive video editing or similar. I can stream films and broadcasts without any problem at all. 

  10. 1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

    What kind of a device are you using.  I am getting no hesitation at all now and the notifications show up almost instantly. 

    Desktop,laptop,tablet and phone, is that enough for you? :biggrin:

    Right now it ain't too bad at all but it won't last,later on last night it was bloody awful. It just seems to vary so much.

  11. On 8/1/2021 at 8:06 AM, StnCld316 said:

    We are aware there is a hesitation within the forum software. The issue is being worked on and hopefully a solution will be found soon.

    Your reply was over a week go and still CC is running as though it is running out of steam with it hanging when you post or upload stuff. Even when you click on the notification bell if often takes ages to bloody show up, really pisses me off.

    If it isn't sorted out soon you are gonna lose a lot of members so someone wants to get their finger out pretty dam quick.

  12. 3 hours ago, Folivora said:

    here, too, everything is simple. meet, communicate and you are lucky to stumble upon one of -> sympathy, interest, loneliness, nymphomania, ex-boyfriend, childhood problems / psyche, thirst for experiments, rebellion against the system / parents and simply loving girls. 



    Steady girlfriend? I wonder, it doesn't fit in my current style of life yet.  

    Ahhhh don't believe you ha ha. Bertha is great and the way you both look at each other sometimes and react to each other is lovely. You got a good one there don't ruin it. ::)

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