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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 35 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    On the plus side, they are very uninhibited and open.

    Yes they are but so are Lina & Dominica but theirs is true lovemaking and passion which i love to see. Cams being there don't seem to effect their actions at all just completely natural. Well that's how I see it coming across. Most times Lina can't keep her hands of of Dominica which I find amusing and just love this couple.xxxx

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  2. Quite agree with you babe, if you are only looking for the basics lol then this apartment is for you, personally it's not my cup of tea for most of the goings on but then i suppose it's horses for courses as they say.

    However you must admit she has one gorgeous body. Yeah i do appreciate the watermark thing and i usually do but was just trying to make a point really.

    By the way it's lovely to have you back :heart:

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