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Posts posted by Lexy&Pete

  1. 1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Haha, you had it all over eh? Sex All over the hotel room, or you had "it" all over you?!

    Do you ever think of that?

    Hotel room and me 😜

    I did. At the beginning. I believe that whoever seeks smth but not being too demanding about it always finds it. And it doesn't apply only to LOVE. I believe in destiny and multiple universes, that every decision, even the smallest one, led me to this point of life. I requested that flight and Pete got called cause somebody went on a sick leave. But now I think - I would meet him anyway, sooner or later!

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  2. 39 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Thats awesome! I love stories like That! I'm very nosy, so if i get too personal , i know you tell me to shut up! So did you feel Pete was gonna be Mr Right? I met my man, i call him Guy on here ,and It was pretty much love at first sight. I love guys that make me laugh and are gentlemen over anything else, thats Guy and we been together for 4 years. How great was it the first time you guys made love?!  I remember the day after, that's all I could think about the entire day! I would call It pure lust and totally unforgettable! 😜!! Well,  that's all the intrusive questions I have for today! You guys have a good night!

    It was like hunger games the whoooole night! That hotel room should have been cleaned up really thorough after us. We had it all over 🙂 He rocked my world and still does! He conquered my heart in a matter of hours! He was and is such a caring, funny and at the same time serious, such a gentleman, such loving and naive, adventurous, but responsible and reliable, such a lover! And this is not the whole list. 

    I wouldn't say what pilot did, but I believe he wanted Pete's place 🙄

    Lexy 😘

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  3. 6 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Hi plum, on top oif all that she such a fun person to hang out with! Yo @Lexy&Pete, how did you guys meet if you don't mind me asking? I'm always fascinated how couples started out, sometimes a one in a million chance meeting, that if it was missed, you would never see that person again.

    Hey Ash!

    It's a long story of 1 day 😊

    Both of us worked as cabin crew in UAE in the same company. Once we got a layover together (the first time we saw each other) in Bangladesh. So Pete and one pilot took some alcohol from duty free and we proceeded to the hotel. Instead of going to get some sleep and rest after the flight we started drinking. We drank alooooot, but only that pilot got drunk and started doing some stupid stuff (which in his age is unacceptable).

    Honestly saying when I saw Pete for the first time I thought to myself:" I want a boyfriend like him"

    So... I got so scared (probably that alcohol started effecting as well) and asked Pete to take me out of there. Suddenly we found ourselves in his room and then it started... first hug, first picture together, first kiss and all the staff that follows it.

    When we returned home Pete stayed in my place for couple of days, brought all of his staff, and moved in with me, since then we are together 10.06.2013 😊

    Lexy 😘

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  4. 12 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Anyone can Upload Pictures.  Premium Members have the Ability to use Attachments to Upload Directly to Cam Caps Servers.  Regular Members that are not Premium do not have the Attachment Function Available to them. They must use a Third Party Host Service such as  https://lightpics.net/   https://zupimages.net/   all they have to do is Upload then select from the Embedded Codes Menu  Full Image/ BBCode and then Copy and Paste the Link to the Comment Box, Click Submit Reply and the Picture will appear in the Post.     The Two Links I have Posted are Easy to Follow or the Member may have another Host they are more comfortable using.

    I had no idea about that at all my apologies . Thank you for clarifying ❤️


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  5. 3 hours ago, ze81 said:

    In this case I hope L&p stay home during the matches,it's funny(and sexy)to watch them during it.Well..not fun to watch them during Portugal games..so during those won't watch them😂.

    We will definitely watch at home. We haven’t bought tickets to any matches. We are not against Portugal, just between Brazil vs Portugal we prefered Brazil. If Portugal makes it to final we will definitely cheer for them. And Ronaldo is indeed a great player. And I was hoping to see Ibrahimovic playing this Fifa but unfortunately he isn’t. 


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  6. 2 hours ago, pahman said:

    I'm so sorry @Lexy&Pete and i regret using the word "Trust". Like you said things are changing very fast. It's not your fault. Like i said in one of my earlier post, Anna and Alex are the managers and they are the people who make the decisions. If they say one thing and they do something else, they are the ones to blame not the tenants. 

    I hope you have a nice day. See you soon.

    No hard feelings  @pahman , I am sorry once again if the information we provided haven’t been (executed) and I thank you for understanding, and please excuse me once again if I have let you down with my info, I have never intended to spread lies or rumors and it hurts me if someone thinks so , as I said things and decisions are changing every day and its not on our hands

    we decided we won’t be posting in the forum again untill we are back because of the whole situation in A&A apartment,  if you have any questions or comments feel free to PM’s any time, we would be glad to answer it.

    And BTW Lisa&Grant are hesitating to move to this apartment right now because of many reasons!

    Once again I am really sorry if I offended any of you in any way, been pleasure communicating with all of you, till next time. Miss you all

    Yours Truly


    Miss VH 🙁

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  7. 11 minutes ago, budda said:

    Hi guys, thank you for bringing some light into this dark apartment.
    If Em & Sid had not been so rude and anti-social ...
    I recorded your evenings with Anastatsia: they were really spectacular because everything was natural and there was no fiction.
    Lexy, you're not as beautiful as Sharon Stone or Charlize Theron but you have something sexy in your DNA. I just have to look at you, even completely dressed, to feel the blood warming up.
    Pete, you look like a quiet and reserved person, but when you have sex you become the opposite and you know how to treat women.
    I really hope to see you again soon and I wish you good luck.

    Thank you so much for the compliments, we hope to be back soon.

    The problem for me(Pete) is the language, I understand Russian quite alot but I cannot speak as much as I can understand, and most of the people we meet are Russian speakers and they don’t speak English at all, I am a fast learner and I am hoping by year end I will be able to speak and communicate with the others more often.

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