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Posts posted by ImJustThatBored

  1. 10 hours ago, maxfactor said:

    We are stuck with a real lesbian apartment (one fem and one like a dude)...which we have had before and nobody watched them either...and a ton of guys in the other places.  Just like a certain, never satified member spammed this forum for.  The reality of most lesbian couples is that they are not worth watching...unless you get off watching a pseudo dude which Im certain that forum member does.

    Are you talking about Jul? I didn't even notice she was a girl lmao.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Zorro0 said:

    19.30 NY time is 01.30 in Spain, Most people are asleep at that time, (Says I, at 02.15, my time, Lol)  While I'm guessing that the people/girls on Chatubate,  are located in the USA, or doing a night shift, hardly a fair comparison. Also surely, those are two different business models.

    There is no direct contact between RLC consumers and the staff working on  the cams, unlike Chatubate. (Even if a few members on here claim to have the details of the RLC girls's Instagram info, when a member asked for those details they did not give them, prob because they did not know them, Lol.)

    It is kind of odd that RLC does not have locations in the USA time zone to capture that market segment there. Presumably there is a reason for that. 

    Wasn't there an American couple in NY or something, and the dude beat his wife so they killed the cam after less than a month?

  3. @StarLight28

    "ch verstehe, die Ukraine ist weit weg, wie Trump weißt Du vermutlich nicht wo die Ukraine und Finnland liegen. So wie ich nicht immer weiß wo einzelne US-Bundesstaaten liegen. So gesehen wäre mir die USA auch unwichtig, und kein deutscher Soldat sollte für die USA sterben. In dem von den USA geführten Krieg in Afghanistan starben jedoch über 100 deutsche Soldaten."


    Garbage assumption. I helped train Ukranians in 2019 outside of Odessa(I still have some of their unit patches we traded for), I don't care about Finland, and I've worked with German soldiers several times, most recently during the Kabul evacuation last year. Good dudes by the way. I 100% agree that German soldiers shouldn't die for the US. Why do non-americans always bring up Trump? He lost, get over it.



  4. 23 hours ago, Howard said:

    Yes, Leora chose to get nekkid and bate.  But I don't think she thought she'd be in for 10 years. She & Paul originally signed up to save money so they can move on as a couple.  Of course, life took a different direction.  BTW, she's not getting p[aid nearly as much as we think.  Its the shelter being provided that is a significant reason why she stays.  I don't think her monthly pay would cover rent (in a place similar to where she is), food and clothing.

    Where she really FUCKED UP (IMO), is the decision to move to Czech w/o Paul.  She chose the lifestyle vs love.  Their affection for each other was no different from the 1st year to the 8th years (before she moved). Of course like most couples, complacency set it. But 2 1/2 years ago, she chose the lifestyle she was accustomed to vs leading a 'normal' life.

    She's in deeper then everyone thinks (as in psychologically scarred). For her, this is normal. She bates, teases the audience, gets a paycheck. She's done that for 10 years (doesn't everyone do this for a living?!?!) *I* think RLC will kick her to curb before she realizes the life she's living isn't a life she wanted for herself.  It will take that kick in the ass for her to realize the time she wasted as she could have been (or can still be) a productive member of society, and have that life most girls dream of (settle down, picket fence, babies).

    Personally, I wish she would get ahead of herself and take back control of her destiny.  Life is too easy for her and I fear she'll be in for a very rude awakening when she gets pushed out of the bubble.  THAT is why I want her out of the RLC bubble.  Better she leave on her terms (as she'll be more prepared to confront life with her legs closed) then on RLC's terms.

    One more thing: Much of the past 2 1/2 years on camera has been a life of lies. She's not a lesbian. But she'll play one for your enjoyment AND a paycheck.  A close friend of hers (who we have never seen but I'm sure exists off cam) needs to slap her silly and make her realize she is letting life slip away.

    This really should be a early 20s gig for a few months, then you move on. It's a shit long term plan, especially if all they do is diddle themselves and do nothing else. I don't think anyone else besides a confused few ever mistook her for a lesbian. As much as I'd like to see her bury her face between Malia 2.0s asscheeks, it won't happen.

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  5. 54 minutes ago, Howard said:

    Let's take the physicality of the actions and set that aside for a moment.

    The psychological effect must be tremendous. SO many of you think I'm trolling because 75% of my comments have to do with wanting Leora out of the RLC bubble and start a "normal" life for herself.  I could say the same for you:  You just want her nekkid for self-gratification - you could care less about her mental state.  You just want to get your rocks off.

    With that said, IMO she will have great difficulty adjusting once the cameras are turned off.  She'll have trust issues. Getting into a relationship will be difficult.  Making love (and not sex) goes along with her trust issues. She will have to re-learn that love and sex should be synonymous and not see sex as a means of income.   She can remain an exhibitionist, but she will have to re-learn that behavior and not associate it with money.

    There's more to say, which will be said another time.

    You're not wrong about some of us not caring, I don't. These girls chose to do this project, specifically to get nekkid for my gratification. It's a transaction, free will and all of that. As far as their future? Probably no worse than most middle aged humans working shit jobs because they didn't do anything with their early adulthood, slight variances depending on the country they settle down in. My hope is that they'll use the money the make here to get an education. I know that if I got paid to flick my proverbial bean every day, I'd be knocking out some online schooling or learning something that would benefit me in the future. Realistically, they'll settle for some some dude who will cater to them for the rest of their lives. Many such cases.

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  6. 45 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    The only way that this place could get interesting again it would be for Leora to allow having guest(s) in the apartment , this is exactly what she did . The next step was to finally see any guest becoming more generous or better saying no cameras shy , this is what exactly also happened with a bit delay but every guest is different .


    I praised Leora that finally she made her apartment accessible to others and like this she managed to escape her loneliness , I don’t care about reasons or whatever the further ideas she has about Zena ( which for me is a simple friendship and I can’t with any way possible understand how all this lesbian thing comes from a woman who isn’t lesbian despite the talks that Leora won’t have a problem trying if the situation occurs , I only laugh with that 😂🤣 ) , but Leora desperately needed a friend that could be with her in her own place . Zena looks a decent girl , she has this nice voyeur’s exciting thing of being shy and most of all this slow showing/blossoming it is exactly what the most of the people wish to watch .I am perfectly fine with the development and I applaud the process 😇👏🏻👏🏻

    Literally anything would be better. The lesbian thing comes from the fact that we ALL want to see her lez out with some chick.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    At least today the competition is extremely high , if the lady wasn’t present , Leora would have needed to “ invent “ a tremendous show / event 😏

    If she did, it'd be as boring as the rest of her events. Radislavas room as been more entertaining recently than solo Leora has been the entire time she's been at RLC. Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly have her sit on my face, but she doesn't do anything interesting. No wonder she's probably depressed.

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