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Posts posted by Coffee94

  1. Il y a 5 heures, Dave 27 a dit :

    Je ne peux pas pour la vie de moi comment travailler tout membre du CC peut commenter ici qui ont une vie heureuse ou triste quand nous cacher derrière un manteau de anonymity.We ne savent même pas les uns des autres pour pouvoir correctement judge.Ok J'aime discuter ici et ont des liens plus étroits avec certains que d'autres et c'est très bien, mais en réalité cONNAÎTRE leur vie Nah ce n'est pas possible.IMO prendre les gens ici que vous trouverez les et ne pas essayer et quelque chose que vous connaissez juge rien.

    I am not sure you are on the right site, if you are looking for "friends". If we had to know people well before having an opinion on them, we would not talk about anything!
    Here, we look, we take, we throw, it is the reign of the apriori. Look no further, you will be disappointed, already that you seem not to have a high morale!

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  2. il y a 43 minutes, alt0na_O7 a dit :

    If you like voyeurism, wondering what is happening inside, if you have money, you can spend money on this job if you are not bored quickly. I've done this for about a year. But I think VHTV is not worth it. After the "scandal of closed houses in Odessa", VHTV slowed down a bit. VHTV trying to go back. But it still looks like a brothel. and the most expensive. (Even the RLC is on discount.)
    I am not willing to force young people into a relationship for money. so I'm not a member anymore.
    If tenants can have "real sex" without being pressured, this is real voyeurism. It's like eating and cleaning.
    Unfortunately, there are still millions of curious people all over the world who spend money on pornographic content like this. I do not criticize anyone about it. everyone's own choice.

    Purists (like me) say that real voyeurism can not exist on these sites, because it would be necessary that the participants do not know that there are cameras in their apartment: it is illegal!
    So, we are in the paid show, more or less.

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  3. Il y a 2 heures, alt0na_O7 a dit :

    hank you. I think that's because they don't have anything new to try as a couple. This has been discussed a lot here in the past. But no one even wants to write about it. I wish DH2995 came back. Sometimes I feel so lonely here.

    I was wondering, how do they live financially? If everyone thinks like me, VHTV's only revenue is ridiculous.
    If they have other incomes, why show themselves? Perhaps by vanity!

    • Like 1
  4. Il y a 18 heures, plum a dit :

    Ce soir est un très bon exemple des raisons pour lesquelles je trouve cette expérience vhtv tellement frustrant.
    VHTV est un site commercial.
    Ils sont en ligne pour gagner de l' argent des abonnés signature et à payer leurs abonnements.
    Ce n'est pas la vraie vie, comme certains des affiches plus importantes sur ici semblent penser, les participants sont des acteurs porno, ici pour fournir des spectacles sexy pour le paiement members.You suffit de lire les tweets ce site met à se rendre compte que. .. 
    les couples sont ici étape a réussi à offrir le meilleur experience..they spectateur ne sont pas de vrais couples
    Ils sont en ligne pour donner aux téléspectateurs une expérience à faire semblant, où le voyeur pense que les couples sont en fait dans une vraie relation amoureuse.
    Mira est à l' hôpital ... Henry lèche la chatte de la première femme à ouvrir ses jambes.
    Je reste mon cas.

    I understand your frustration. You must know, putting cameras in people's apartment without his knowledge is a crime punishable by law! So there will always be a part of staging with this kind of site. M & H is perhaps the most spontaneous (married) couple here. It's a free, very free couple: that Henry is licking the young lady is not a problem for Mira, but for you.
    We saw worse here, what would you say if you had seen Anna pregnant for 5 or 6 months get fucked by 4 guys!

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