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Posts posted by p4design

  1. 14 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    Okay I apologise, but my opinion 'which is all it is after all' will not change, and so neither will the opinions of those who believe RLC is a porn site. It really makes little difference to me what it is, and this argument does the rounds every so often on the SAME topic...porn or voyeur. The fact is voyeur is a type of porn, but RLC is a voyeur site and the viewers can choose how they view the site and what for. Pornhub/Bang Bus/Fake Taxi are porn sites purely for the viewer to bash the bishop/choke the chicken/spank the money. I have never known a pornsite where viewers discuss events such as parties at B4 & B7 for hours on end...very strange.  

    I still disagree, but I understand your point of view better now. Thanks for being civil. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    If it's a porn site then why do 'many' people here spend time following the lives of these people and following stories and events. If you want a quick wank then go to Pornhub which is clearly where you should be looking, RLC is not a porn site...fact, and end of. I don't even know why this is being discussed because you have your brainwashed beliefs and let's say I have mine. You are worth less to me that the pile of dog shit I step in on the floor. If you are so concerned about spending $45 a month every month then save it and get a real bitch in to fuck instead of criticising people on here what you believe in. Does it honestly really matter what it is apart from being a voyeur site, no...so take your warped and brainwashed arse elsewhere.   

    More insults. I haven't purposely insulted you, though obviously you feel insulted. I was trying to have a reasoned discussion, but you are clearly unprepared to do so. Regardless, I will respond to the comments you made at the beginning of your post. First, I am a voyeur. I derive pleasure from viewing people having sex in organic normal life situations.  Pornhub does not adequately provide that, while RLC does. Look at who they hire to live in their apartments. Many of them are exotic dancers, live stream sex workers, and their have even been prostitutes who have been heard talking on the phone giving prices to potential customers for sexual services. Masha has been heard explaining the situation to a sex partner, acknowledging that she is paid to have cameras in the apartment. Look at the preview scenes that they choose to display to entice you to view. The scenes are almost always of people engaged in some sort of sexual activity or bathing or walking around nude. RLC is undoubtedly a porn site and you are deluding yourself if you think otherwise. You have posted critical statements regarding those who wish to see more sex on RLC, therefore it is legitimate for more to respond with a differing opinion. And by the way, I'm married and my wife and I have an active sex life. But that does not negate my voyeuristic desires.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    Stop being braindead and realise I am right, whether I am the odd one out or not. I may as well speak to a tin of beans than a troll which is what you are.  

    Lacking a legitimate reply, you resort to insults. There is nothing for me to realize.  You couldn't be more wrong about RLC.  Regarding your troll comment, a troll would normally be defined as someone who baits others into an argument for the pleasure of getting an emotional response, but I didn't start this discussion and I'm not baiting you.  I simply responded to statements you have made that I consider erroneous. This is a porn site, like it or not. The people living in the apartments are paid and you as well as all subscribers are the ones paying them. (I pay far less than $45 a month,  so perhaps you should consider different payment plan).

    • Upvote 4
  4. 29 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    You clearly misread my comment and missed out the vital parts, so I will say this again like I have said in the past. As a subscriber you are entitled to one thing, and one thing only...visual access to the apartments via recording equipment. The participants are not sheep nor are they other animals on display for your sexual gratification, and they DO NOT have to have sex on cam just because you pay $45 each month. They allow us as viewers to watch them do whatever they do or don't do in their homes whilst being part of the project. What's even more real with the project is if people on cam want to have sex under covers then they can, which makes it 'real life' and all the more real, unlike a porn site. I am happy to disagree with what you said as you are with my opinion.   

    Really? I'm incredulous that this is what you think about this site.  What kind of delusion are you under? This is not real life or some scientific project where these people are generously allowing us to view their lives.  This is a porn site and these people are paid performers and are there for a specific purpose, namely to have sex in a staged "real life" setting to satisfy the voyeuristic desires of those who subscribe. knowing full well the reality of what I've just stated, I am willing to suspend disbelief in order to derive that pleasure. If you are here for some other reason, you are truly the odd one.

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  5. 2 hours ago, TfiDeano said:

    Not here to argue, but to be fair it's only a problem if you make it one when in fact it's not. 

    I don't think you realize, you're the odd one here. The vast majority of subscribers are here to watch people have sex and when there is very little of that happening it is "in fact" a problem. It's like paying for a buffet only to find there's very little food.

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  6. 21 hours ago, chogdad said:

    So today, Caroline gets up, fucks Park, bates with toys as soon as he leaves, is bating with toys again, and then there is still tonight when someone may turn up who she can get fingered by.

    And people still think this is real from her/them.

    If ever there was a 'Show' couple brought in, then this is it. 

    BULL, and indeed, SHIT.

    You call it bullshit, but you just described the perfect day for me. Thank God for replay!!!

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  7. 2 hours ago, corboblanc said:

    yes yes, we know the woke laws perfectly in France too, like Prince Charming who is a sexual aggressor for having kissed Sleeping Beauty, without her authorizing it since she was put to sleep by a spell!!! !
    what is passing between lilith and miron, it's two people who drank together, and the poor miron in sexual misery, trying to touch a little lilith, half asleep from alcohol!!! nothing serious and lilith absolutely did not make a drama of it, as well as all the other participants who were saddened to see poor miron leave, excluded under the pressure of the american wokes, whose brains were burned from university !!!!

    Did Prince Charming finger Sleeping Beauty's vagina for hours while she was passed out?

  8. 2 hours ago, corboblanc said:

    no, miron did not rape anyone!!! he just got drunk with lilith, and once drunk he kinda tried to touch lilith in his sleep. miron was immediately tried and sentenced by the people's court of camcaps!!!!

    Nice spin, but the truth is Lilith was drunk and passed out when Miron fingered and groped her for hours and she was unresponsive the whole time; certainly unable to give consent.  It's called sexual assault in these parts.

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  9. On 9/9/2022 at 8:58 PM, moos54 said:

    Because you find that Kristy is inactive? she masturbates almost every day whether hidden or visible but she is inactive 🤣

    He never said she was inactive.  More active was the words used.  I too wish she would do more than just masturbate, like stop flirting with lesbianism and just do it.  She came close with Alana, but it seems Alana ultimately rejected her advances.  Perhaps she'll have better luck with Monica.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Mauri said:

    In fact, voyeurism is observation, it is feeling arousal in observing intimate or sexual acts of other people, but it does not only concern the classic sex between man and woman. And being straight, which means I don't like men, and consequently I'm not interested in watching sex between men and women. I prefer to look at a woman's intimacy when she is alone, and see things she wouldn't do with a male presence.


    Your first sentence confirms what I said, sex (i.e. arousal, intimacy, sexual acts) is intrinsic in voyeurism.  So I don't know what you're arguing about.  And what does your sexual preferences have to do with any of this?  I think things are getting lost in translation and I've grown tired of going in circles with you on this.  So I'm out.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Mauri said:

    I said voyeur isn't all about sex, man. And that there are tons of free porn sites where you can see sex if that's what you want to see. When I watch a porn video, I don't go to see straight sex, and neither do orgies. this is what you are looking for and want to see in RLC.

    Sex is intrinsic in voyeurism, otherwise it's not voyeurism.  It's just observation, which makes the rest of your statement irrelevant.

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