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Posts posted by p4design

  1. 20 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Don't know the exact date but according to the Website where I got it from shows August 6th. It has to be recently as I have never seen that one before.

    Thanks.  I think it happened even earlier.  When you first posted this I went back to August 6th and couldn't find it.  Nevertheless, nice post. Thanks.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

    I am not a misogynist, I respect women and their choices. I believe all these girls on RLC including Olya are adults and they can decide for themselves. they do not need our protection. all I said was, if Olya thought she was assaulted as you have been suggesting, she could complain to the police or at least to RLC and asked them to remove the footage, but that was not the case. we just see things differently here. it was my day off when they had that party in RLC that day, and I was watching them the whole day focusing more on Olya and following her around lol and after what happened and I read people's comments here I went back and watch things again, and I asked my friends on the forum who understand their language to translate what they were saying to each other . only then I draw my conclusion based on what I had seen and heard and the context in which it happened. so I left my comments hours after what happened and when I had enough information to make my mind up. anyway, enough has been said about this and there is no point in repeating what already has been said. have good day. 

    I never really answered our point about Olya reporting the incident to the police.  In the U.S. 3 out of 4 sex assaults are not reported to the police.  Those statistics could possibly be even worse worldwide.  It doesn't mean there wasn't a sex assault.  I watched it as it happened. For me it she was clearly forced.  We differ in opinion.  I used the word 'your' in the plural, meaning the cumulative reasoning of those who view the incident differently than me and many others on this forum.  Some, in my view, have made it clear in there reasoning that they are misogynists.  I should not have lumped you all together.  Your statement, though I ardently disagree with it, I don't believe rises to the level of misogyny.  You have my apologies

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  3. On 8/7/2020 at 1:41 AM, bluewinner said:

    sorry to ruin your rape fantasy. You are the one who is leaving so many comments about this for last few days. you come up with some none-sensical bullshit and when you are challenged you call people disagreeing with you Misogynists lol that's just rich. if you think you can just write whatever crap that comes to your mind and no one has the right to call you out on it, I have bad news for you , you are in the wrong place. 

    Misogynists because your reasoning around the whole incident suggests it. I expect my comments to be challenged and have never shied away from it, but you and a few others are rehashing the same argument that has been dealt with over and over.  Respond if you like, but I'm done with this issue unless you have something new to say.

  4. 13 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

    its funny dianne refused the other guy a few times before she relented but nobody says she got raped

    Do you bother reading the previous posts.  This inane view point has been brought up before.  You defeated your own argument when you yourself said, "she relented".   To relent is a choice.  She changed her mind and chose to have sex.  Nobody physically forced her.  Olya didn't have a choice.  She was physically forced into having sex.  She said no many times and tried to escape many times but was physically held down and forced to do it.  None of that happened to Diane.  We disagree.  That's not going to change.  Give it up.

  5. 14 hours ago, bluewinner said:

    if Olya thought that was sexual assault, she would have requested RLC to delete it. looks like you are more catholic than the Pope. 

    Then there are apparently a lot of Catholics on this forum.  It wasn't just my opinion and you and the other 2 or 3 misogynists here are in the minority.  This is all getting old at this point.  Drop it, would ya.

  6. 36 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    I see that your consensus slider is not the same for everyone, how many times Diane has also refused to have sex with Olya's guy? several times like Olya 
    He manages to force her hand when he shows her that Olya is giving a blowjob to her boyfriend 
    but apparently it shocks you much less when Diane was not necessarily in a position to make decisions

    The guys have been looking all day to do this exchange and the girls know it very well, you can't suck a guy in front of another or be naked all day in front of the others without there being a sexual game between all protagonists

    No one ever forced Diane to have sex with them, even after initial refusals, when she had sex it was because she decided to.  Olya was forced and it's that simple. I've had enough of this conversation and those of you who defend this odious behavior.  I'm done with it.  Reply if you like, but you will not get another answer from me.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, moos54 said:



    I am the first to defend the girls when something goes wrong but here we can easily see that Olya says no to him because of Diane, she makes rather equivocal signs in this direction, she changes her behavior when she sees that Diane them looking out the bathroom window and having no reaction

    I am convinced that if Diane had given her consent from the start, there would have been an exchange of partners much earlier in the day
    I also presume that Olya's guy also manages to convince Diane to fuck with him but apparently it doesn't seem to shock people :angel:

    everyone sees the things they want to see

    The exchange between Diane and Olya's guy was clearly consensual.  Why would anyone have a problem with that?  The exchange between Olya and the other guy was clearly not consensual and your explanation, for me at least, is dubious at best and would certainly indicate "everyone sees the things the want to see".

  8. 1 minute ago, corboblanc said:

    so if I am in the minority, that means that there has been an aggression, and that thanks to your wise eyes !!! here is the telephone number of the "Policia Guàrdia Urbana Districte Sarrià" in barcelona: +34 932 91 43 53
    do not hesitate to you and your spirited friends to call them to report an odious and terrible sexual assault in a villa in barcelona !!!! you will soon be a hero in the newspapers🤣😂

    Your comment above is a poor attempt at sarcasm and is of no consequence.  Clearly you have nothing intelligent to contribute to this conversation.

  9. 3 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

    My friend, if you can say and swear on the " Holy Donald the 1st " than that bastard didn't make an assault on Olya with all the images we have ( kitchen and bedroom ) ... I will understand why the U.S. has the "fakest President of the history of that country" , like he likes so much to tell everybody ! 

    Corbo, I believe is from France, not the U.S.

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  10. On 8/5/2020 at 5:45 PM, Ash1 said:

    The thumbnails that show when you first open Replay are for the past 24 hours.  The events of yesterday occurred over 24 hours ago.  Click the arrow at the top of the thumbnails and the thumbnails will change to show the highlights for previous days.

    I know this.  I went back to yesterday. Still no thumbnail references to the incident I am referring to.

  11. 3 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    there was only assault for your sick little brain, so why would rlc remove the replay of a girl who decided to get fucked by several guys?🤨🥴

    Ask RLC, Mr. Misogyny.  They're the ones that removed the thumbnails.  There are many on here who believe it was not consensual.  You are in the minority, which accurately indicates where the sick brain really is.

  12. 10 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

    what are you talking about ? I still have the thumbnail references if i go to yesterday replay !

    I have replay. I went to yesterday. I see no thumbnails referencing the incident in question between Olya and the guy that was originally with Diane.  If you have replay in your subscription, you can go back and view the incident for now.  I am referring to the thumbnails and what, in my view, that may indicate.  It's an opinion.

  13. 1 minute ago, omedo said:

    You do not see it because it is not within 24 hours, if you go back you will see them there.

    I'm referring to the Replay thumbnails at the bottom of the main page and not Replay itself. References were removed earlier within the 24 hour time period while references from other apartments from the same time period were still there.  I'm aware that one can still view it if have replay.  

  14. 34 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    keep your little bohemian certainties for yourself, personally I'm talking about what is happening on rlc, not what I think of the fools to whom I sometimes answer !!!!

    Your misogynistic opinions color you commentary, which leaves you open to commentary on your personal character or lack thereof.  If you don't like it, perhaps you should keep your inane opinions to yourself.

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  15. 26 minutes ago, firewall said:

    Olya was under the influence of the alcohol too and he took advantage of this situation, at the beginning she not wanted to have sex with him she refused multiples times to have a penetration but at the end she capitulated because he was very rough with her, you should admit that !

    Corbo won't admit he is wrong and will continue with his inane argument in perpetuity. The guy uses a picture of Trump as his profile picture.  That alone should indicate to you his aversion to the truth.

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