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Posts posted by charliefoxx69

  1. 1 minute ago, ddhm said:

    One more proof tonight , whenever we get visitors in the  villa , it makes so much more interesting to watch , creation of speculations , voyeur instinct goes wild , again the question , why can’t we have such incidents happening more often … ? 😔 excellent  atmosphere , a pleasant evening amongst friends that we don’t know how it goes and the only negative thing I will comment is the “ isolation “ of the twins in their room and not participating .. 

    The casual relaxed atmosphere, laughter is so wonderful. Chilling by the pool in B4...nice to see.

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  2. 1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    So, the word on the street is that Nana and Tesla went out with the new dickhead Russian that RLC doesn't need in it's cast.  Upon arriving home without said dickhead Russian, it appears that Nana has a new cellphone.  I'm polling to see how many of you think she got it by a blow job or did she have to give up the vjj as well?

    I'm outta here, have a drive to go on with the lady across the street.  Have a boring night you wankers :biggrin:

    Hey snit for brains. @HarleyFatboy

    She got a new case for her phone. But since you don't watch, she,(Nan) was telling someone about it while on her phone. She ordered it and it has not arrived.

    Stop talking about things you don't know. You just sound more ridiculous with every post. But thats the one thing you do know, but keep posting anyway.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, charliefoxx69 said:

    Listening to Nan trying to use her English to talk about her day. She is so animated with whoever she's speaking to.

    She is so cute, you can hear that she is excited to learn and use this new tool. She understands more than she can speak but does pretty well.


    Whoever she was speaking to was not our Uber eats guy.

    Because she was speaking her native language and English and seemed very excited to speak about everything.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    Radi awake, and in the kitchen - looks like she's leaving soon

    Love to see her. I have wanted her in B4 for a while.

    Where she could enjoy the quiet of the morning like this morning, chill by the pool etc.

    I even wanted her to have Holly's old room.

    More space than she is used to and she could collect more throw pillows :biggrin:.

    Love her stunning style, she has blossomed into a very lovely girl in full view.

    Huge fan.


  5. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family.  You don't know me and neither does that other piece or work Ragnar so you can both piss off.  I have just as much right to be here as you or he does and just as much right to post what I think....so piss off the both of you!!

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 

    Piss off Charlie, I live a wonderful life full of friends and family. 


    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    If that is what you call attacking someone, then you are just a poor miserable fuck!!  His comparison was shit IMO and I will say that every time no matter what you say or think!!

    Just go away Harley save face and disappear. You must live off the humiliation you get here or the attention or both. But do the forum and yourself a solid. Say goodbye "for real."

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 minute ago, RAGNAR said:


    Now you are attacking Noldus,the person who never attacks anyone,or talks bad about anyone.You really are sounding like a woman with really bad PMS issues or someone going through a mental breakdown. You really have deep mental issues in life,and has less to do with  your hatred for RLC and the people on this forum. I know Noldus doesn't need anyone to stick up for him,but just fuck off the people who have done no wrong and go on your way. If you are looking to be the most hated person on here,your'e doing a great job.  

    All kidding aside,,,,GET SOME FUCKING HELP HARLEY!! 


    See the source image

    BRAVO!!!!!!!! POST OF THE YEAR!!!!

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mark Thompson said:

    it's moments likethis,  seeing hot little Nana on balcony with her legs spread open hot yellow bikini tugging at her pussy that I wish I could afford a sub.... this is epic voyeur moments ... I sure hope Pam breaks this little cherry down and eats this virgin pussy till she screams I'm such a dirty little slut ...mommy I'm going to cum....

    whoa am I getting too worked up about wanting this Nana cherry squeezed ... when and where and Pam is the girl to do it ... as said ...she is the Pro...

    This is the perfect place for Nan to "break" her RLC cherry 🍒.  I said it in the B4 chat, she has the perfect tutor in Pam who is the flipside of Viv. Let's hope this goes well for her. I bet a dollar to a donut that he gets a lap dance from Pam.

  9. 1 minute ago, wooders78 said:

    am i allowed to say that?


    4 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    Charlie send me every video you have on Ulyana .... thank you...

    hey Blue Winner were you the one who said you never knew anyone to beg like me ... this my full frontal, unashamed version .. 

    EVERYONE PLEASE SEND ME EVERYTHING ULYANA ...  please and thank you ....

    What Wood said.

    They are all there. If not, let me know.

  10. 11 minutes ago, MASTERMASSUER said:

    Did charliefoxx69 just say Brook Shields. Please don't insult Brook Shields that way. They are not good looking in any way, shape, or form. Brook Shields is in a much more superior gene pool. Even in Brooks worst day she couldn't look as bad as they do. Seriously !!!!!

    There is a photo when Brooke was about 15 years old that looks a lot like Mia. That's the comparison www.pintrest/pin/358528820340004919 You are correct. Take a look.

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, legrandrobert said:

    o/t Nana dresed as a canari with wings in bes with Pam  FUNNY  !!!  Is she a 12 years old teenager  ??

    She is very young sir. She needs seasoning. This may be her first trip this far away from home and she lives with a bunch of strangers 😕. How would you act? It takes time to build a little trust. But you know this. Playing dress up is a good thing. Trust me.

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