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Tamme Klaas

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Posts posted by Tamme Klaas

  1. Today's comments on the girls:

    Apparently you don't just need the timekeeper,
    Another one has to take the lead in the masturbation table.

    For a while there has been a girl or two missing from the house who can create the mood, the rest comes on its own.
    We had nice events and scenes in the house.
    Happy parties again, also with men as guests,
    From me also with the 'RLC set'

  2. 57 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    To see private life, It's about looking into an apartment, not looking out. 😀

    One thing is for sure, before all the Russian apartments were switched off there was much more private life to see on RLC. This GOV bullshit was just an unnecessary extra. 

    Meanwhile RLC is a place where almost only girls doing Nothing can be seen who perform silly Shows. This girls go outside to have some real fun and laugh at people who are stupid enough to pay for something like this. 


    Dream your dream of former 'Russian apartments' and private life.
    Everyone was 'camera fixed',
    Everyone needed the bonus, money is scarce in Russia and life in the big cities is expensive.


    " This girls go outside to have some real fun and laugh at people who are stupid enough to pay for something like this. "

    And how about that, you pay too. Stupid ?

    Let's leave that, hardly any arguments
    Everyone has their taste, that's a good thing, I love the girls in Barcelona, the more dirty the better!

  3. 1 hour ago, Alladino said:

    Only that there is more than enough porn on the internet, but very little voyuer content. GOV is not working. Most of the Girls do Nothing, and private life is almost not included.

    If I just want to see private things, I look out of the window.
    Does anyone seriously believe what the 'couples' show is their private lives?
    Well, then you sit on the boring sofa.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Alladino said:


    I even think that the short stays (and by short I mean also three months) make it that there is so little to see. 

    The girls are just visiting and their real apartments are somewhere else. What RLC needs are more single or roommate apartments. Places where the girls really settle down and have a real life.


    RLC definitely doesn't need that.
    Very few exceptions where long-term housing was interesting.
    Girl in Barcelona is OK
    Different girls are coming.
    Not every taste can be met.

  5. 10 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    again.....this is where you are wrong H1!  if my daughter acted like any of these girls do, i would call her a slut to her face but the difference is, i don't have to worry about that with my daughter.  she comes from a good home and was taught good values and morals and trust me, the large percentage of girls on RLC were not!!

    Morals  or double standards?
    If you keep morale high, what are you doing here with the voyeurs?

    • Like 4
  6. 12 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

     here is the deal Harley.......It doesn't matter whether any one of us has been a subscriber for 15 minutes or 15 years.  We know its all a show but some of is better than others and if it's something we enjoy watching and we consider it worth what RLC charges and are willing to pay that price then it's nobody's fucking business but ours.  Some gents go to strip clubs and spend more in 30 minutes than I spend in 30 days and I don't need to step out of my house to do it.

    You can not express it better! Chapeau!

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