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Posts posted by vasamatvijenko

  1. 49 minutes ago, Coffee94 said:

    Jučer je bio jedan od najgorih partija sam vidio.
    Nisam shvatio svrhu ove večeri za grupni seks, nemoguće sa Bree i Kyle. Za prijateljstvo, svi su mislili samo o njemu. Niko uspio večeri i to je bila katastrofa! U stvari, bili smo svjedoci katastrofalan kraj povijesnog A & A tima.
    Za Lexy i Pete, oni su iscrpljene sve svoje prijatelje VH, tako da će morati otvoriti drugim ljudima da prežive ovdje.
    Uprkos moj interes u Bree, njen odlazak je dobra stvar za nju.

    Everything depends on the hosts to start the party, in my opinion, Lexi and Pete are great hosts, Bree is not a sick person, Misty was the first to start and I hoped Kyle would follow her this time, and Ana is a good party participant.
    Lexi and Pete are open-hearted people, I am sure that they will find new friends who are not with VH and that they will enjoy us again very soon watching them

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Lexy&Pete said:

    Nažalost, Pete je imao lasersku operaciju dana Bree stigao. Dakle, prostor je u izgradnji 😅

    I'm sorry, I did not know ... the party started nicely ... good participants and it could have been a spontaneous party of the year ... but to our sadness it did not end as we expected ...
    Regardless of the events you are the only one who does not sleep at night. I wish Pete a quick recovery ... THE BEST.

    • Like 1
  3. Prije 16 sati, Sexygirl je rekao:

    Pa, to nije istina ☺

    Moja želja je prvo da se u 3, a nakon ... oni mogu napraviti ono što Žele 😅

    Bio sam na mjesec problemima Prošle nedelje, a mi je bio vrlo zauzet sa porodičnim problemima. Hvala vam što ste Uverenja.

    Ostanite s nama ove sedmice, i mislim da će vam se svidjeti ono što cete 😅

    Obećanja ... obećanja ... To će biti... kao živi u Crkvi

  4. 12 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    Bih da bi se ponovo otvoriti besplatno Cam u glavnom životni prostor. Čini se da trend zatvaranja od ne-članice se vratio da je ružna glava svuda VHTV. Oh dobro!

    I agree, if this is a voyeur-house everywhere, it should be open for free viewing - living room, not loggia and kitchen with a hill of dirty vessels, other spaces can be closed for free viewing, if desired by those who live there ... All participants know about cameras ...

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, nick sjom said:

    U razgovoru sa plavuša, Lexi je napomenuo da će Pete biti iz Bosne i pravoslavni iz onoga što sam oduzeti. Plavuša malo pripit je karaoke entuzijasta, popularne pjesme i plesove .Lexi za njom u karaoke. Malo alkohola i slovenskih sentimentalizma pojavljuje u ove devojke.

    If Lexi called him Amir and if he is from the Balkans (Bosnia), it's a MUSLIMAN name ...

  6. This apartment brought great changes to the participants
    Lisa and Grant, announced earlier departure and went ...
    Alex brought Zack to help Lexi, whom men recently rejected in sex
    Lexy has changed become selfish only thoughts about herself ...
    I think it is necessary to change the name of the apartment in * Lexy and Zack + Pete *
    Lexy always sits with Zack, speaks and laughs only when Zack is at home.
    Pete begins to suffer, but he does not show it, so he goes badly in this apartment ...
    I think it will soon pass like Bree & Drew, and the apartment in a couple of months to go to the archives.

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