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Posts posted by Folivora

  1. 5 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Both behaving like petulant kids. Many weeks ago Hugo got rather annoyed with many of our comments following that infamous long drawn out night with their guests which members got pissed off with. Then he decided to throw his rattle out the pram in retaliation and stop commenting on CC. Now we have this ridiculous situation which is only pissing people off even further. Like many others they all like reading our comments when things are going well but object to hearing negative comments when they aren't. Well all i can suggest is they stop reading CC comments and get on with their life, it will be better for them financially and the members who pay for their life style.

    What happened? I'm curious

  2. Oh guys, i said it already . Sina don't have a cancer, just a normal+ chance to have it.  I'm really glad to see people good and kind (my eng is very bad today:c )  

    As i said earlier, I'll tell you the story, but later. All i can say , is that we moved to another city , we working on connections, new friends and new sexfriends . It's hard and fun 


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