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Posts posted by moules

  1. 14 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Say it isn't so!

    The villa garage was converted to an office for RLC.  Bogdan will likely be in the office frequently. This will leave Nelly alone at their new apartment to practice with her violin for hours and hours?  Or lperhaps eaving Nelly to visit Gina frequently?  Or perhaps leaving Nelly to visit Martina, or morel likely, Martina visiting Nelly for wild sex, off cam?  Or allowing Nelly to come to the villa occasionally for massages and cosmetic procedures?

  2. 5 hours ago, EyesOnly said:

    Your observations about sadness are spot on.... it involves a friend. Tonight at the party Lia was all over Bruno, but not detectable to the naked eye. Back when Bruno was a F-Boy, both Lia and Mia rejected him. Suddenly Lia is hot for him. She was the only person at the party with her ass-out, totally inappropriate for the occasion unless it was a costume. She spent the night checking her phone every 20 minutes like clockwork, and flirting with Bruno... suddenly she is enamored by him. Her body language was an inward lean towards Bruno, Bruno leaned away. At one point Mia came over and Bruno was relieved, he hugged Mia to make what Lia was doing look casual. At one point Lia completely took over his attention, and Gina went unnoticed. Then I went to bed, had no idea how it ended - woke up to find Bruno sleep on the sofa. Lia and Gina's relationship has been greatly damaged by Lia playing the tart. That is why Gina was sad. She took it out on Bruno but it wasn't his fault. Gina is hurt. She will wear a smile.  

    I posted this in B2 forum.

    "Whispered conversations between Lia and Radi in Mila's bedroom begin about 23:50.  Looking at this again, perhaps Lia is telling Radi about some past relationships of those at the party.  Bruno and Gina are still at the party, and Gina briefly uses Mila's bathroom and completely ignores Lia and Radi as she leaves and rejoins the party  Typically, a drunk Gina is bubbly and friendly..  Perhaps she is already unhappy about something. "

    That said, I did not think that the twins were that flirtatious with Bruno in the living room.  Particularly as they have visited the G&B apartment several times to vape and drink.  Perhaps something happened on the balcony.

    One of Gina's many problems is her insecurity.  If Sara is still in Spain, Gina ought to talk to her about how to be 'top' to Bruno.

  3. Whispered conversations between Lia and Radi in Mila's bedroom begin about 23:50.  Looking at this again, perhaps Lia is telling Radi about some past relationships of those at the party.  Bruno and Gina are still at the party, and Gina briefly uses Mila's bathroom and completely ignores Lia and Radi as she leaves and rejoins the party  Typically, a drunk Gina is bubbly and friendly..  Perhaps she is already unhappy about something.

  4. s

    8 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

    here for 10 months and organising her room, WTF. she should be packing

    organizing and decorating her room.

    even when she was in B-1, half the stuff she had was home decor.  she has brought her own linens.  next year, she will have a garden in the backyard, growing cucumbers and tomatoes.

    she acts as if she is under a long-term contract, so maybe the plan is to give her an apartment of her own.  RLC must have a contingency plan if Leora were to leave, less so for Masha, because Masha pushes boundaries, and in that sense, is probably irreplaceable.

    What I find most curious about Radi is that when she goes out, she always dresses to impress. Who is she impressing?  I think she may have a group of friends in Barcelona who are very stylish.   


    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  5. 3 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LOL maybe...maybe not!!

    At 10:36 on October 3, Mia begins packing her riding gear, --the helmet, and leather gloves.  Have your source look at 2-1 for an excellent close-up view of the helmet.  The helmet is put into a laundry bag.  She also adds a t-shirt.to the bag with the gloves.,  She leaves the villa at 11:19 with said helmet and gloves.  She was not wearing a heavy jacket, which she has worn when riding the motorcycle to the villa.

    I would expect you might have great interest in her gear, in the oft-chance that the cycle is a Harley.  Then you could announce to all, that Mia rides Harley and loves it.


    So perhaps she was returning the helmet and gloves to the boyfriend, and if she went riding in the future, it would be from his place, not the villa.




    • Haha 1
  6. 21 hours ago, ddhm said:

    It can be as equally right or not what you say , no one has any proof or any info of the financial status of RLC .. we know from Noldus’s monthly site’s tracking that there’s a decline in views , we don’t know how it responds in subscriptions .. for example , it might be less viewing as the Alexa site indicates but it can be that there are renewals to replay subscriptions and abandoning the standard ones.. or perhaps , less replay and many more standard that affect the extra viewership  that a replay subscription offers which is translated to extra watching time .

    My point is that , if RLC has really serious  difficulties , I can’t find a reason why paying to bring the girls from Russia and even more ,the whatever status that B1 has . They could simply leave it unoccupied and not pay 4 new tenants .


    October will show a lot for the direction of the site and how all the pieces will make the puzzle, how the relationships in Barcelona will evolve and if we see more things in the rest of the European capitals ( Rome , Prague ) ☺️😇

    I will jump in here with my zwei pfennigs.

    The biggest expense for RLC is IT.  As others more knowledgeable than I have posted, their IT architecture is first-rate.  So if RLC wanted to cut expenses, I would expect the first area to be cut would be IT.   There is no sign of that;  they just added two more cams in B-1. There are 79 cameras in Catalonia, not counting the villa.  And footage from every cam (24/7/365) is archived for later viewing for ten days, globally.  (For all I know, the archives could go back years, though the storage costs for data simply being stored and not accessed continuously would be much less.)

    And I was truly shocked to learn that the DNS server for RLC is still in Moscow.  So who knows whether RLC is still operating sites in Russia, but not accessible for viewing outside of Russia, or is providing tech and hosting services to other companies that stream adult content on the web.  As I recall the decree from Putin/Duma, all sites with content originating in Russia had to be hosted on servers located in Russia.  But if RLC is not producing any Russian-origin content, why keep their DNS server in Moscow?



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