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Posts posted by moules

  1. Perhaps Bogdan is in Russia on a family matter.

    Radi used the quite large laundry room in B1 for storage.  I think she prefers her small room in B! because the cameras are so close, the closest of any bedroom in Barcelona.  This allows her to develop an intimacy with those who follow her, as she becomes the Leora of Barcelona,  Like being in the front row of her stage, and not sitting in the balcony.

    In my opinion, Radi is quite calculating about what it takes to achieve and maintain a position among the top cams.   That is not to say she is not a team player, but she is not going to waste much time on situations or other participants which do not help her in the cam standings.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, corpslibre said:

    Anyway, I don't think Bogdan is the man to cry if he's fired from RLC, knowing that in these cases they would have already had warnings and it wouldn't be a surprise to him then. . It can be quite simply personal, and in this case, respect for the person is essential.

    Agree completely.  Any company who fires an employee wants the employee off the premises as quickly as possible.  Given the circumstances and timing, most likely the message received was of a personal nature.  It may have involved family back in Russia.

  3. 6 hours ago, ddhm said:

    I have no info , I only speculate 😇😎 If you dig a bit the Internet with  patience , you can find a lot concerning RLC’s management through the years .. in the early years of CC’s and RLC , lots of info were revealed of the model business , some people who perhaps were associated and so on .. if I stand correct , the company changed management between 2016-17 .. maybe older CCs members can clarify things , but there are people here who know a bit more of the history of the site and some more details  that perhaps reflect to nowadays status .. in any case , since this is “ sensitive data “ , I find it better that detailed info remain with the people who have a bit more knowledge than being shared with anyone .. 

    This is not at all what I expected.  The ISP for Reallifecam leads back to this address in Moscow, one of two addresses in Moscow.

    Москва, ул. Бутлерова 7, Помещение 32

    To be sure, this is the address of the company providing internet services, not the business address of RLC.

    The address is next to Special Correctional School Number 1708, a source of participants for the project?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    I don’t speak about the IT , for what I believe , there’s the main RLC HQ ( I believe in the USA run by Russians ) ..In Barcelona , there’s a “ person “ who let’s say manages the whole Barcelona project , the Manager if you want . Bogdan is having an “ auxiliary “ job for RLC , logistics mostly and other things that require let’s say “ an assistant “ ..All decisions go through this “ Manager “ and Bogdan simply makes them happen .. I can’t see a business like RLC with less than 5-10 IT people to handle the worldwide live feed , keep track of illegal content distributed in the internet and so on.. perhaps a business with maximum 50 employees handling in all cities everything plus the HQ ..that’s my thoughts on that .

    For the life of me, I cannot think of a single reason why a Russian-owned company would have its global headquarters in the United States.

    The Reallifecam domain is registered with a U.S. company in Denver, Colorado.  That company offers web-hosting and cloud-hosting for domain registrants.  This includes servers that provide a DNS address.  Having a U.S. company provide hosting and domain registration does not require that a Russian company who owns and operates a website have a physical presence in the United States, or even have a single employee in the United States.


    The villa is not so remote from the city of Barcelona that it does not have a high-speed internet line connecting the villa to the RLC network and to the web.    This line must be able to upload simultaneous video and audio from the x number of cameras at the villa.  This probably requires multiple T1 lines, or a dedicated fiber optic line, rather than broadband cable.  Broadband cable is asynchronous, download speeds are much, much  faster than upload speeds.

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  5. B4 under maintenance.

    Radi left at 0740.

    Mia spent the night in Barcelona.  Was it her night to sleep with the boyfriend in Barcelona?


    I can say based on my knowledge of websites in the U.S. with a concept similar to RLC, but with a less extensive IT infrastructure, that there were at least 5-6 employees working behind the scenes on production and operations.  So it is not just some other guy and Bogdan running the operation in Barcelona.



  6. No one who is low on the pecking order at RLC is allowed to take four girls off camera for an entire day for a supposed excursion to some distant beach, and not do it once, but several times.   Which is what Fior did.

    Bogdan's role in RLC is greatly complicated by Nelly, and her issues.  It could be that girls who are not great and good friends of Nelly, i.e., Gina, see Fior as a counterweight to Nelly, and by extension, to Bogdan.


    Correction to an earlier post I made.  It is Lia who is at the villa tonight.  Mia has apparently gone into Barcelona.


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  7. Fior's position in RLC is hard to figure out.

    This evening, Mia seemed to be pointing out several areas of the penthouse that needed repair.  Why not tell Bogdan about that?  Radi, when she meets him, kisses him fraternally on both cheeks.  The three most senior girls,  Mia, Karol, and Radi, join him on the balcony for a smoke and more conversation.  He sleeps on a mattress in the fitness room.  The girls have a conversation with him that lasts for several hours.  I don't think they would spend that much time with someone who is merely the maintenance man.  (It was Bogdan who washed the big windows several days ago, rappelling off the roof.)

    So what to conclude?

    He seems to be more involved in the RLC Barcelona operations than Bogdan.  Within the RLC operation, he is at least the equal of Bogdan, if not higher.  He has a good rapport with the girls, and they seem to consider him important enough that talking with him is worthwhile, from their perspective.  

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  8. 53 minutes ago, Sergio said:

    I wonder if all these mothers know what their daughters do to earn a living, but now it's a big problem with the mother in the house, nothing will happen and this is a big change from everything else that happens in this flat.

    There was an incident on one of the early cam sites before but like RLC, where a mother came to the house, and forcibly marched her daughter out of the house.  The cams recorded it.  (I was told this by one of the 'producers' for the site.) The girl was gone about a week before returning.  That was Real Life!


  9. Yesterday, when Lia and the German bf were in the bath, Mia returned to the villa, wearing a heavy jacket, her motorcycle helmet, and leather gloves.  She was dressed more like she was the motorcyclist, not someone riding behind the rider..  Perhaps the boyfriend lets Mia ride his motorcycle, and that explains why sometimes she will be quite playful with him.

    Mia certainly did not learn to ride motorcycles after arriving for her current stay in the villa, so the relationship between the boyfriend, Lia, and Mia goes back some time, and is more complicated than I thought.  I now can't rule out that the boyfriend and Mia fucking.




    • Thanks 1
  10. 12 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Pff .. kissing and touching the one and simply ( cuddling ?)!the other under the sheet , I think that there are so much more also that we can’t and for sure don’t know 

    There is a ritual they follow at the villa when the three are sleeping together.  The boyfriend, always sleeps between them,  and first cuddles, in the spoon manner, with Mia for 10-15 minutes, playing with her breasts and ass, and maybe her pussy or near it, and then he  turns to the other side of the bed, and Lia and he face each other with less fondling than he does with Mia.  Lia will caress him, but Mia does not.  Lia has watched him play with Mia's breasts and does not object.  In fact, she has laughed and smiled when he does this.

    It seems this is a ritual carried over from how the three slept before the twins arrived at the villa, and when they didn't need to hide things from the cams.  And the touching and caresses were much more intimate.  My guess is that the bf and Mia have some sex, but do not fuck.  Also my guess is that Mia will leave the bed when the boyfriend and Lia fuck, to give them some privacy.

    Lia is controlling and directing what is shown and what happens at the villa.  If there is any real sex between the bf and her at the villa, it will be at night on the balcony, and no one watching will know for certain whether they fucked or not.

    When they were in the kitchen Sunday evening around 18_00, Lia seemed to be telling him how much money she hoped to be making, and gave a specific number.  I may have mis-heard her English.


    Does Mia own a motorcycle?  If she doesn't, then she has a boyfriend who does and why has he not appeared on-camera at the villa like Lia's boyfriend? 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Strange night .. another bigger plan perhaps organized by Gina and not the typical visit of the twin and BF .. and suddenly Gina and Bruno fucking and the couple absent .. only having the twin to return later and sleep .. let’s see what’s going  to be the next days ..

    From replay, it seems the bf couldn't commit to sleeping over at G&B, so Lia and he left.  Lia was gone for about two hours, and after returning, slept in the living room as the couch was made up ahead of time by Gina, so Lia was expected back.

    Two minutes after Lia and the bf leave, G&B begin fucking.

    In the afternoon, Lia leaves the apartment, very likely to meet the boyfriend again, before finally returning to the villa.

    On Friday, Lia is drinking and smoking, the boyfriend drinks a little, more to be social than anything.  She is relaxed, but is not flirtatious or affectionate.  As if there are boundaries.  I'm sure she and the bf fucked off-cam at some point on Saturday.

    Does not seem to be much sexual chemistry between Lia and Gina.  Seem to be friends, and nothing more.  I am sure Bruno would fuck Lia in a heartbeat, but Gina won't allow it to happen. 

  12. 4 hours ago, albundy1089 said:

    It took about 3 weeks for the bathroom renovation at B4, and it reopened except for floor 2. After it reopened, all the residents stayed on floors 1, 4, 3 and the pool until floor 2 was done about a week later. The work on B4  was much more extensive than what we are talking about for B1. But we don't know what the scope of work actually is.

    I very much suspect there is water damage to the bathroom floor.  The bottom of the bathroom door is rotted.  The bath drain makes a very weird sound when the bath is being emptied.  No one knows the condition of the WC on the bottom floor.   Perhaps they will install a proper shower head.

    If there is a security 'issue', they may install a new, stronger entrance door, and perhaps security cams.  (Gina's door looks positively medieval and nearly impregnable.  Speaks well for the neighborhood.)

    And I believe this apartment is the top floor of the building, so perhaps the roof needs repair.


    Unless the remainder of her stuff was retrieved today, and is stored in the office,  she still has the equivalent of 4-5 bags of her stuff in the living room of B-1.   Didn't seem to be clothes.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    If she survived Serafima and being so close to quit and abandon , i think she will make it . Plus , she has Mila in a way to talk to as it seems , the villa and the facilities can distract her whatever negative feelings ( imagine some fitness sessions in the backyard now that it is still summer , by the pool , of course in the fitness room , some more tanning that she loves ) , she will be fine .. and if she manages to get along with Nana , then it will be no worries at all . 

    She can help Nana with her English

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