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Posts posted by JohnTheod

  1. 2 hours ago, maxfactor said:

    The pattern of waiting for a couple of hours for their ride to come as well as the communication in English to him is the same as many other B4 outings to the clubs down the hill.  In fact the driver came into the house last time and there was a whole conspiracy that it was their boyfriend and who he was fucking...lol

    Yea...i remember that incident and the conspiracy theory behind this....forgive me but i don't think there is a driver who kiss his passenger without know him very well.

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  2. 14 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

      As for Mila, she was good during the first 2/3 of her stay the first time around and this time around from what I can remember reading and I seen the videos of her and Elvira and I know I'm going to catch all kinds of hell for this but they weren't that great in my opinion.  The last 1/3 of her 2 visits to RLC have been the same.  She becomes distant and is doin't whatever she does mainly out of the apartment.  If she comes back and I know she will, she will be exactly the same as her last to stopovers!!


    Mila is a great and beautiful girl, and when she was in a good mood B4 was always fun to watch it. But i think one of the reasons that she became distant the last month of her stay was when  RLC put Laura next to her and moving Elvira from her own room to the double room with Adelita. I like Adelita but RLC should put her to Laima's bedroom after laima left. When this happened all the shows between Mila and Elvira which we all have enjoyed...stopped. I am wondering....WTF they were thinking in RLC by doing all this changes. The other reason was Bea.... that girl especially last month was always got in between Mila and her friends and she never let her alone to have fun with her friends...every fucking night was in Mila's bedroom. If that useless left earlier from the house i believe Mila would behave differentlly.

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  3. 2 hours ago, winnlove said:

    Hello! Mila et Bea nous manquent déjà...Quand je vois les remplaçantes Olya et Ariela, c'est très loin de ce que nous avons connu en niveau 2 dans la maison. Par contre, j'aime bien Pam. Elle me paraît bien, (gentille, douce et aimable...et assez jolie) pour son début. Mon avis.

    Hello! Mila and Bea miss us already ... When I see the substitutes Olya and Ariela, it is very far from what we knew in level 2 in the house. By cons, I like Pam. She looks good to me, (kind, sweet and kind ... and pretty enough) for her debut. My opinion.

    Mila yes...i miss her...Bea....hell no!

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  4. 46 minutes ago, anupoulain said:

    Boey 😳

    who is that IDIOT, that deleted my post?!? and dont come with the f***ing RULES!!! 50% of the stuff in here is insulting!! did i insult someone so nasty that «THE Special I*****DIOT» has to deleted my POST!!! u know this forum and everything around it, is all about BOOBS, PUSSY's, ANAL, This one is Ugly, this one is Hot, why u think you need to act like a moral dickhead… if you think ur a perfect person in ur perfect world, than maybe start not be in HERE… 

    thank you to «THE Special I*****DIOT»

    Hi. I sent you a pm. Did you read it?

  5. 1 hour ago, SierraTM said:

    Is okay, Blair is here although different apartment. And Mike can always sneak a feel each time they come over lol, likely nv going to happen but maybe queen Blair might allow her man to have a little fun someday.

    I don't think Loraine is into girls so maybe Mila won't get much.

    When Loraine is with a friend like Blair she is behaving differently...that's why i think she could be the same with Mila...but we will never know.

    And don't forget....we are talking about Mila....not just every one. Even Laura which was clearly not into girls did a show with her.

  6. 8 hours ago, SierraTM said:

    Actually I think Bea is okay. Granted she isn't the most interesting, she can be a loner at times and she has quirks but I don't find her to be that bad.

    She was a (very) bad influence and always intervene to some girls. I consider her responsible that Mila and Elvira moved away from each other and they were never being together again.  I hope i will never see again her useless ass in RLC. 

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