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Posts posted by tripod2

  1. 1 minute ago, Karrui said:

    this and others too .... example Taya and Will

    At least T&W have sex nearly every day and occasionally have guests that not are not camera shy at all.  This is definitely in the top three on the lamest apartment list.

    I don't care if couples go about their lives and rarely have sex (like D&R). What I hate is apartments where the tenants hide from the cameras or put on fake shows for the camera.  Neither scenario is what a voyeur site should be.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, richgod said:

    Hi Nath,

    I know you are doing your best to find a solution, but downloading a .exe file is not a good solution.  The vast majority of users who like images and movies are MAC users and most pc users will not open a .exe file fo security reasons no matter what you say.

    Agree...no flipping way I'm downloading an exe file.

  3. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I'll drop the self-righteousness when you stop pretending you can understand their language when you very clearly do not.

    And BTW, fucking someone without their partner their STILL wouldn't be heartless if it was something that was agreed upon by both parties, something else you just assumed didn't happen when obviously it's something else you don't know.

    My assumption that they did not agree to fuck other people outside the apartment without the other one there is FAR more realistic than you assuming that they did agree to that.  

  4. 2 hours ago, kris66 said:

    You are not right about anything unless you understand their language and there was a mic in the bathroom (which there is not)...  You said it yourself...You are speculating.. Are all you speculators getting off when you speculate? Is it your fetish to make up crazy stories and believe in them yourself?

    Nah, you can be right about a lot of things by observing behaviors.  Some people just aren't good at it.

  5. 6 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I have an INCREDIBLY hard time believing that Sam would even think about going through with something that Eva hadn't green lit. These people are married and he's never given any indication that he's the type to do something that heartless.

    I have two theories as to what might have happened: while Sam was busy with this girl, Eva went out and met her friend, fucked him, came back and had 2nd thoughts about the entire night. OR, she possibly may have read the comments on this board and wasn't too happy to hear about how Sam fucks this girl better than he fucks her.

    Truth be told, I'm hoping that none of the theories are correct and that she was upset because of something totally unrelated.

    So Eva leaving the house to meet a friend and fuck him would not be considered "heartless" in your eyes? Considering they're married and all that? hmm

  6. I went back and watched the start of this thing tonight to see what made Eva leave. It looks like she went into the bathroom with Sam to tell him that she didn't want to go through with it tonight. Sam probably already popped a blue pill and said, sorry but it's going down with or without you.  She stayed for awhile, then abruptly, but quietly left the apartment. I don't think she was going to meet anyone, I just don't think she wanted to hear what was going on in the bedroom.

    Whole lot of speculation and filling in the blanks there of course, but if I'm right about her wanting to call it off, Sam fucked up by going through with it without her consent. 

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