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Posts posted by tripod2

  1. On 4/29/2018 at 4:36 PM, Donzi said:

    After watching an amazing cap I have to say that Eva looks to be in love with Baldy. I don't know if there was something going on between them before this outside the apartment but she is very much into him. 

    Sam screwed up badly letting him anywhere near her pussy. He's got a problem...

    After they hadsec right before they left Sam put some very sad music on. Maybe it's a reflection of his feelings. 

    Did you just copy and paste that from one of your posts in the M, D & S thread and change the names?

    I'm sure they discussed it at length before going through with it. They'll be fine, despite the paranoia going on in your head. 

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, altona07 said:


    Yes, I want to see Clara hooked up with a rope and have both anal and oral vaginal sex with two or more men at the same time. Then I want to watch everyone emptying their sperm into her face at the same time. Please do not be Tom in these guys. It would be more appropriate to consider Tom and Stas in a separate show. I will be a full member next week. I will do it despite everything. If I can not see what I think I will cancel my membership

    Dude...you need help.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Can't blame them?????  This is a voyeur site dude.  How many people do you know that have sex under the covers??  Please don't say it is the guys fault.  When these girls bring guys back to the apartments I'm sure they are told about the cameras and when told, if the guy says I don't want to have sex in front of cameras......then don't bring his ass back to the frigging apartment.  If these girls are initiating the undercover sex......then kick their asses out!!!  People pay a lot of good money every month to see the sex when and if it happens and personally, RLC should be sued for allowing any of these tenants to cover up.  They already have enough hiding places in each apartment if they do not want to be seen!!!

    Bottom line is this,  the girls that don't want to have sex in the apartment should never bring a guy back to the apartment and put on the big teases that they do every time this happens.  I loved Monica from the very first time she appeared in B1 but at that time I knew I would never see anything of any importance out of her concerning sex.  I am astounded by some of the things I've read about her but have had them cleared up by other people.  She will always go out of her way to hide!!!

    Ding ding ding...we have a winner !

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, kris66 said:

    You need to set your watch. A couple of days ago it lasted 45-50 minutes.... As i said before. You guys speculate and make up histories way too much!


    Maybe if they didn't hide under the covers we wouldn't need to speculate about what happened.  Dasha definitely didn't react the same way the night under the covers as she did the two times they fucked since last night.  Open your eyes.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, ze81 said:

    Exactly,nowadays barely watch them but till some weeks ago was just like that,they are doing that game for three,four months,start with the kisses..then the girls baths..then etc etc..and they will stretch it as must as they can..they have no problem being cold,robotic and just repeating the shows day after day,week after week,maybe when they start having sex I will watch again,but honestly this last month make me not enjoy them as an persons,they can do what they feel like,don't cair.

    Good grief, do you ever stop repeating the same thing over and over?  

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