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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 1 hour ago, DWI said:

    Seems like Eva's trip is more like a vacation then and most likely short-lived wouldn't you think?

    vacation from vacation. You could see it like this.
    If I remember correctly, Eva once said that if things don't work out in Bali or there are difficulties, Spain (RLC) is always an option. (instead of Barcelona it has now become Montenegro)
    Life in Bali is cheap if you do it right.
    But at some point the budget is exhausted there too.
    With tutoring and a few customers who need psychological help, that's not enough to survive in Bali.
    I had the impression that everything went well, they got visas, cheap accommodation and were accepted into the Russian community.
    I think it's just a matter of replenishing the account and then going back to Bali and continuing to live there with Mat.
    (unless another girl has fished Mat in the meantime)

  2. 31 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Does anyone really know if Eva and Mat actually broke up as a couple? Seems like a lot of speculation but no real proof.

    It is speculation!
    As far as I know, the two are still together.
    Eva called Mat recently and it didn't seem like the two had broken up.
    I think he takes care of the cats they adopted in Bali.
    Mat has integrated well into the Russian community in Denpasar. Of course, there are also beautiful Russian girls there.

  3. 23 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    It would have epic to see some kind of repeat of that during Eva's visit, but with Sasha being in a pretty strong relationship and Eva seemingly past that sort of activity on camera, I doubt they'll ever get to that point.

    That's how I see it too.

    On the other hand, the three should also think of us viewers. For most, just watching at breakfast or dinner isn't enough. Maybe the three have a strategy or a plan how Eva's presence could be used?
    Or another possibility: It takes some kind of catalyst to get things going.
    Visit from Masha maybe, or Sam...
    A story to speculate and discuss would also be beneficial.
    Eva still seems to be struggling with the jetlag, so we'll give a few more days and see how it goes.

    • Like 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, DWI said:

    I just noticed something a bit unusual. After all these years watching Eva from the Russian apartment to now, I never heard her speak English. Maybe I just missed something over the years but today Eva was having a conversation with someone on her laptop in her room. It almost seemed like she was taking English lessons as the voice of the person on the other end of the call could not be heard. But Eva was clearly responding in English. Can anybody fill me in about her speaking English? Have I missed something all these years? Thanks in advance.

    already in St. Petersburg she had a private tutor for English.
    but it was difficult for her.
    After Barcelona she lived in Indonesia, where communication is only possible with English.
    so inevitably she had to learn English
    but she still finds it difficult.

  5. 42 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    With just the two of them it's dull and dead.

    It's tough
    Montenegro does not have the opportunity like Rome;
    no tourists in winter, there is no Russian community
    One option is couchsurfing, which is how Sam started it.
    Even a roommate like Eva won't bring the change.
    I think it will be like Masha's visit
    The couple basically took care of themselves after parting with Masha. they will not change.
    The stormy times are over. everyone is older. And Masha thinks about marriage....😵‍💫

  6. 18 minutes ago, Boing said:

    To have Italian citizenship you must have a regular paid official job with taxes and contributions to pay or get married to an Italian (I'm sure of this).
    They talked about this during the discussions in recent days: evidently having a passport is not enough.
    Masha declared herself a political refugee (this was discussed here some time ago by others) and therefore she cannot go back to Russia to renew her passport and therefore under this condition Italy issued her a passport which could be provisional. (I'm less sure of this because I don't know the current Italian legislation on political refugees)

    that may well be the case. I'm not up to date.

  7. 15 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    others we say that she simply wants to make the legal papers for permanent European Union citizenship .

    Masha has had an Italian passport for over a year. She spoke about the fact that last year's trip to Cyprus was her first entry in this passport.
    Therefore, this is probably not decisive for this consideration.🤷‍♂️

  8. 18 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Nice to see you posting again ☺️ … I always thought you would have your opinion about the latest Masha’s developments , I hope you appear also there 😊



    I think I'll mainly look at this apartment.
    Eva was and remains my favorite. And maybe in the summer Masha will come to visit for a few days ...
    Unfortunately, I almost don't have time to watch it, but because Eva is here now, I'm a subscriber again.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, ddhm said:

    I think Masha had way too much time alone , she had a really difficult time when she got injured and had the wheelchair , I think she has reconsidered a lot of her life and she just needs company and Elvis provide . As good friend rado though said - a member here who knows I believe better than anyone Masha as he has watched her through the years - , we saw Alessandro yesterday who is one of the closest friends of her and the ex boyfriend of her best friend Dina and he has disappeared from visiting . It isn’t for sure a coincidence that the place that we would see so much interaction , people visiting , parties and events happening , it isn’t as before anymore . Of course Masha is getting older ( even her body has changed ) and maybe she slowly chills of her extreme life , but let’s see what more we can see from her , she’s Masha , RLC’s definition of this project 😊

    I hope you are right with your statement
    Time will settle things, whether right or wrong will only be seen later. it is Masha's life.

    and despite everything
    Happy 32nd birthday Masha💐

  10. 3 hours ago, Alladino said:

    I also suspect that Masha statements (if they really have fallen that way) reflect more her own disappointment. She may was hoping for more and her feelings were probably hurt. 

    I think I've found the source of this anger now. It's about the money. Masha claims Sam didn't contribute or didn't contribute enough for food and drink.
    The following dialogue this afternoon: Masha's mother is obviously, like many here in the forum, not enthusiastic about Masha's new companion in the apartment. She reproachfully asks Masha: "Why did you let Sam, the engineer, go?"
    Masha responds with a series of curses and, of course, the word psychopath. "He lives with me like a maggot in a bacon for 3 months and in the end he takes all his earned money and disappears."
    Well, of course I don't know what the agreement was. And there's also the question of how to remind a friend that they haven't paid off their debt yet. there are definitely different ways. and the answer will be accordingly. Masha in this case chose confrontation. For whatever reason? other ways are often more effective.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 16 hours ago, kris66 said:

    That is exactly what she said.

    It's quite possible that she said it that way.
    But it's still weird. A lot can be said about Sam, but he's certainly not a psychopath.
    I remember the kitchen board where Masha wrote: Sam is the greatest.
    So I think she was quite happy with his services and performance while he was in the apartment.
    Where does this change of heart come from after the fact?
    Here, of course, the influence of the cat tormentor can come into play.
    This person, whom I rather describe as a psychopath and egomaniac, obviously knows how to discredit Masha's good friends.
    He works subtly to achieve his goals.
    This seems to have worked for Sam. Alessandro is also on his hit list and Masha's old friend from Petersburg, who was there recently, wasn't exactly treated kindly either and was probably happy when he was allowed to close the front door behind him.
    So I guess the best days of apartment in Rome are over.
    Whether Sasha and Dasha can fill this gap? It doesn't look like it so far. So I'm waiting for Sam and Tasha, who might be able to bridge the dead winter in Montenegro with their actions, until tourists come again.

    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Alladino said:

    BTW, I could well imagine that Tasha alone is reason enough for Sam to be motivated. 🙂 She clearly plays more than a league higher than Masha. 

    Winning Sam for an apartment would definitely be a win.
    If you look at what he did for Masha and the apartment in Rome, unlike the cat molester who is in the apartment now, he took the initiative and made a difference.
    For example, he organized couch surfing and brought in some new guests.
    This is of course also a possibility for the new apartment in Montenegro. Unlike Rome, Montenegro is dead in winter. There are no tourists at this time. in the summer it will be different. maybe S, D&T will adopt this concept.
    And Sam? I think he probably has other plans and might not want to commit to an apartment?

    • Upvote 1
  13. 4 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:


    I agree with everything except the Eva and Sasha line. I don't think there was any real romance there. Knowing Masha, I would bet that it was a stunt to garner comments and views.

    It was agreed with Masha how far the two could go, at the beginning of the visit there was a long Masha/Eva conversation in the bathroom.
    and yet I think it was (for Eva, not Sasha) more than just attracting viewers.
    - Endless conversations between the two in the bedroom and especially the farewell scene when Eva stood alone and close to tears in the living room, prompted me, to choose the term "romance". Maybe it's the wrong word for it?
    it was a long time ago, but that's how I remembered it;

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