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  1. Once again I tried by taking the special week long membership, and after a week it converts to rather you wanted yearly or monthly, so in trying to desperately be motivated by Karma, I gave it another shot to see if I would be motivated to resign my membership long-term, but after some nice temporary nude swimming, and afterwards seeing Karma displaying her beautiful nude butt in the kitchen, But after those two great moments, it abruptly seems to have ended any more solo excitement from her, even this recent pathetic "hard to see" bad lighting bating was just disappointing, but what I don't understand when she's with her freakish boyfriend, she makes sure every single light and probably the sunlight is blazing in that bedroom, in my personal opinion, all the man ass invasion, is just killing all the excitement I used to have for this site
  2. Okay here you go again, describe how "am out of touch", yes I clearly did explain to you that I haven't been a member for a while, now is that what you're talking about, because when you explain something back it up, like I said do not cop out, and whip out, explain your damn self
  3. Okay listen very carefully, I haven't been a member for a long time so at that moment, at that exact time when I was watching, is what I was describing on this forum, yes it's probably not the norm but at that moment it was what I was seeing, so stop with the stupid statement "if you don't understand I can't explain it", now if you feel strongly about something you can explain it, do not cop out like that, and no I am not a lost cause
  4. Can you be more specific on why do you think I was joking about, I was only talking about what I was watching at that time, what's the big problem with that
  5. I went on and accepted this week long membership, but I have to tell you I may have to let this membership continue, because all I'm seeing right now is nude females without any nude guys, I don't know how long this will last but my goodness it feels good to watch it
  6. Okay I don't understand this, when there's a female masturbating there's never a free window for non-member like myself, but some guy with his hairy ass, and another guy with his dick swinging side to side, oh yeah we can give you a free window for that, please believe me I can afford with no problem to be a member of this site but if all you're showing me is nude guys over and over, that's really not an incentive for me to sign up to the site again, because that's all I'm seeing, or you are allowing me to see
  7. As I just finished watching the beautiful Sara in the kitchen, I notice there's a lot of you are having a great opportunity of watching some man ass, and yes it's number one, well anyway I don't want to interrupt you from your man ass show
  8. You people over here really love man ass, my God you have a female in the shower and yet I'm looking at the thumbnails and all I see is this guy big ass as number one and three
  9. Is this a rumor or is it really true that she has a onlyfans account
  10. First off thanks for that, but maybe I give it a little more time probably the end of this week to decide, just because I would like to go the 365 days, so I better make sure but, and also yes it's obvious I can cut that down the monthly membership just to make sure, thanks so much
  11. This is definitely my lucky day because karma is laying out by the pool totally nude, but unfortunately for me I have got to get to bed so I can wake up and go to work, but she is really pushing me towards renewing my membership
  12. I thought I'd come here and ask the experts, I'm close to really thinking about resigning up, but for only one person, and that person is karma, for your opinion do you believe she's worth for me signing up long-term for her, and personally I'm looking for someone similar to Leora, so thanks in advance
  13. So all those people sat down and probably ate some nasty dingleberries that probably were flaking off from this guy's nude nasty ass, when he was in the kitchen cooking it
  14. Okay make me understand this logic, they finally allowed non-members to look into Karma's bedroom, but they cut it off just as soon as they allow people to enter, but the crazy thing they are still allowing the free section to show this guy bear nude nasty ass in the kitchen, what's up with this site, are they trying to sign up more gay people, is that their logic
  15. At this moment being a non-member I am actually in Karma's bedroom, but for how long I have no idea, but as long as it lasts it is a treat, especially if any nudity comes up
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