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Angie, Glasha, Sonya - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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21 minutes ago, Noldus said:

0621 undressed and out for a smoke
0632 Back and to bed - Sonja with Glasha

Kami and Kristy cuddling from Barcelona revisited.... It has already been done and won't bring in the viewers. Been there and done that !!! It leads nowhere.

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This is so frustrating....the girls are having fun at our expense....we are paying for their apartment, food and clothing....and then they go out partying after making everyone wait for days...

the fact that they all came late, pretty much means that the party was of similar nature like the ones in this apartment...ie at someone's apartment...and probably all three girls had sex as well...esp if it was a guy's apartment....so firstly we miss the fun and secondly...the girls got what they wanted...now they will live like zombies for 5 more days...:angry:

RLC really needs to have rules...some apartment popularity related payscale for the inmates...i think they can easily track how many members are looking at each apartment...like longest time spent by members in each apartment per month....

also RLC needs to have rules that the girls cannot have late overnight parties outside...they can go out..have dinner, watch movies, even take short vacations...but no late overnight parties outside...


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