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Black Dirt ?


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What is going on with all the black dirt that gets washed in the bathtub by Maya and gets sifted in the living room by Stepan?  It reminds me of how gold prospectors process their black sand concentrates.  Anyone have any knowledge?  Is the Krasnoyarsk region noted for gold deposits?

Black dirt in the red pots and in the bathtub.

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Guest NullBurner

Es ist ja nicht überall so schmutzig, Maya putzt ja die Wohnung.

Die Leute fragen sich bloß was das für ne Brühe ist und was Stepan im Wohnzimmer gemacht hat.

Der hatte irgend so einen Topf oder so vor sich, in dem er rumgewühlt/rumgegraben hat.

Sah aus, als würde er Gold schürfen...

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No one is using the bathtub for a bath or shower while the "dirt washing" is going on.  I'd imagine that this process must end soon or hygiene will suffer.

I did find out that the Krasnoyarsk region has substantial gold deposits (among other metals).

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Guest Squirrel

l'autre soir il etait dans le salon avec des sac qui contenais des trucs noir,il tamisé tout ca,puis a laver dans la baignoire,je sais pas ce que c'etait

Do you think this would this have anything to do with the terrarium/aquarium in the living room? I think so.

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