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US General Domestic Politics #11 Begin 11/10/20

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25 minutes ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

There is zero chance Biden earned 81 million votes. Zero! These voting systems were designed to foil audits, but they cheated in many ways and the reason these cases keep failing is not so much on the basis of the case itself, they are being dismissed out of hand by liberal judges, in liberal states, controlled by liberal governors, many of which have ben corrupted by China. 

This election is not between Trump and Biden, it is between Trump and China. Who would you rather live under? You tell me! 


Oh back to China.And back to another lie of SaintTrump's that was already has been spreads on the air. My dear if i really believes China has that power to controlling of the system of elections on the big super power country then why also not believed the Russain already has been also it controlled on same elections when Trump was been elected on his first term. Oh my dear you smarter than that so, or i think again to love else one ❤️😋

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28 minutes ago, ooopel said:

Oh back to China.And back to another lie of SaintTrump's that was already has been spreads on the air. My dear if i really believes China has that power to controlling of the system of elections on the big super power country then why also not believed the Russain already has been also it controlled on same elections when Trump was been elected on his first term. Oh my dear you smarter than that so, or i think again to love else one ❤️😋

I believe Russia interferes with a great many things to suit their advantage, but it was proven that Trump did not coluded with Russia as they said he did. 

Ok, fine the case against China corrupting the Binden family and other top level officals is pending final review, but this is an ongoing issue and so far the evidence in my opinion much more strongly implicates them then anything they had on Trump. Did you listen to the video i posted? Then listen to this one. 


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41 minutes ago, O_U812 said:


the truly ironic part is that the reason Trump won is because the left made sure he won the Republican primary. The leftwing media made a lot of money selling those ads for their entertainment programming. Then, they never did believe it was possible he could actually win. He won because the left abandoned patriotic, working class people, who just wanted a job after 8 years of pitiful unemployment and opportunities under Obama. Indeed! Trump was elected by the people, and you may think he is a fraud, but it was the left that made it all possible to begin with. 👏👏👏

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Hunter Biden just said that the FBI is investigating him, but he must be lying because Joe Biden in October said the story about Hunter reported in the New York Post was just a disinformation hoax put forward by the Russians. Plus, the mainstream news media said the New York Post story was unsubstantiated and refused to report on it. Even Facebook and Twitter refused to allow anything about the scandal to be posted on their sites.

hunter biden should be removed as president right away. what's that you say? he isn't the president? oh!

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If the Chinese spy who was sleeping with Eric Swalwell wasn't obtaining any classified information from him why did she stay with him for so many years?  Would she not have moved on to another possible source of info? 

maybe she liked him. that is if she existed at all.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I have no doubt that Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on Jan. 20, but I also have no doubt that the election was stolen.  At this point there is no judge who would have the courage to overturn the election even if he saw undeniable proof of voter fraud. The news media and the Washington D.C. establishment would destroy that judge.  The corrupt Washington D.C. establishment swamp has won and the American people have lost.The Democrat machine in the city of Atlanta will also steal the two Senate elections in Georgia on Jan.5.:sad:

either the dems won or the republicans are so stupid that the election was stolen right from under their noses because they are so smart. make up your mind.

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