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Guest safori

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i would record but I dont have a subscription. Segpay does not allow prepaid visa cards to purchase subscription on a month to month basis. I dont have credit card for reoccurring charges but I can buy prepaid visa card and buy one month at a time.

Maybe some day they will change that and make it possible for people like me to be a part of the member area

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Ich will ja echt nicht motzen, aber ich finde, dass der Sex zwischen den beiden etwas, na ja, sagen wir "langweilig" wird.

Ariel liegt meistens auf dem Bauch Harvey lässt ihn machen. Da hab ich schon andere Sachen gesehen...

Oder habe ich da was verpasst?

Da hast Du recht es ist immer das gleiche
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Guest fan español

if you hate it do not ask much ariel being thrown out of the house? and comes another new partner? whenever you complain. Sometimes I find something personal to these two, or perhaps it is the first black rlc, and perhaps the last

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guys come on your killing us!! we dont have an account and CAN'T SEE THE SEX IN BEDROOM OR THE BATHROOM!! we appreciate about keeping us updated about the sex but at least record it!! plzzz  ;)

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Guest Krysez

Since when did it become the job of those with accounts to post recordings at YOUR request. They paid for subscriptions for themselves. Now some are nice enough to show us "non-subscribers" what we are missing, but it is in NO WAY their job to keep us up to date on all new recordings. Especially at the risk of them getting themselves banned. NO ONE here will reimburse them if that happens.

So, go ahead & inform them when action is happening, but leave the decision of recording up to them, cause all the begging & demands are making this site & RLC less attractive daily.

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Since when did it become the job of those with accounts to post recordings at YOUR request. They paid for subscriptions for themselves. Now some are nice enough to show us "non-subscribers" what we are missing, but it is in NO WAY their job to keep us up to date on all new recordings. Especially at the risk of them getting themselves banned. NO ONE here will reimburse them if that happens.

So, go ahead & inform them when action is happening, but leave the decision of recording up to them, cause all the begging & demands are making this site & RLC less attractive daily.

got a point there!! didn't thought of it that way!

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