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Leora & Paul Videos - Split #1

Guest NL

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She could be referring to Lina and Mark, hair dressers by trade, who I suspect were involved in getting Leora and Paul into their apartment when they moved, and definitely arranged for Maya & Stepen to join the RLC team.

Mark was fairly tall and slender, and, like Maya, was also know to cut hair wearing only an apron, ie bareback ( :o )

There should be some pictures in the archive files should anyone want to do some further research.

I rather liked the couple. They had two little white kittens that you could always watch scamper around when the people were gone (about 80% of the time.)

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Miss manners does not understand the reason why I post Squirrel, I'm not spamming, Not everyone clicks on every apartment so they would miss the video that's why I did it more than once,And the main reason why I posted a video is because there ain't shit else to post because these tenants ain't doing shit worth recording and posting and all I kept seeing were useless garbage on every apt. page that i looked at so excuse me for trying to lively up this boring ass place with a little video..This is the kind of shit I don't understand i'f I do something nice people talk shit and if I talk shit people get offended smfh I just can't win lmaoo!! 8) 8) 8) :P

Please don't misunderstand me. I enjoy your posts on the board, and that is a beautiful video. If you start a thread like "Vids of beautiful erotic girls" over at OLD DUDES, everybody will see that under "Unread posts" when they sign on.

As it is, the couple's video sections are loaded with nothing but UL downloads, many of which are kiped re-runs, so most of us don't even bother to look at those threads; most of the couple's pictures sections are deleted third party posts unless you catch them fast enough; and the couple's discussion sections are all turning into off-topic flame wars.

I'm entirely guilty of wandering off topic (like I'm doing now); but this is getting so badly disorganized that it will destroy Camcaps if we users don't at least try to place things in a proper category. Admin set up categories for a reason. You are certainly welcome to Old Dudes anytime, and that's where the miscellaneous stuff should go. You're cool with Foamy, so please don't take offense at my comment.

Now excuse me, I've got to grab a fire extinguisher for the problem over in the Maya & Stepan discussion section.

PS--Cuss all you fucking want. I have no goddam problem with foul language. Just be aware that Parasite might come back and flame you like he did me. I believe that also happened in a "Couples" thread...

Once again your wisdom shines through fearless squirrel leader lol,So why is it that other people can't explain stuff this eloquently to me without sounding like a complete idiot/jackass,Now I see why not to  post the same thing too many times thank you!! 8)
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leora hot

(The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).

This video was already available on Sept 17, why again?

boss13 does this all the time.  best just to ignore their posts.  clearly motivated by money.

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