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Posts posted by robur

  1. Last night (Tuesday) it was pretty much the same as on Saturday. She was sitting on a sofa in the living room trying to talk to him, he was out of sight, replying from some other room. He was talking in a very lethargic, leave-me-alone voice, and she was sobbing and whining at him from the LR. "Are you breaking up with me again? Why do you keep hurting me? What have I done to anyone? Why do I have to suffer like this, you keep hurting me... I haven't done anything to anyone, why does it have to be like this..." and on, and on, and on, and on. At some point he apparently replied that he wanted to sleep and that he would come to talk to her in an hour, slammed the door on her, at which point she obviously got mad at first, said something like "Oh for fuck's sake, so his majesty is coming in an hour, wow, that's great, oh you prick..." and then sat on the sofa and started crying to the cushions. 

    It's really incomprehensible to me what makes people stay in relationships like this. I don't understand either of them two. The incentive of a free appartment must be huge for them.

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  2. I don't watch them often and I don't know what happened lately, but I watched them for a while last (Saturday) night at about 10:45p.m. of their time and if it helps anyone, here's the translation of what I can remember:

    There seemed to be pieces of broken glass on the floor in the kitchen. Smith was on the sofa trying to get some sleep (or at least acting like that) and Kitty was trying to talk to him. In the 5 minutes or so while I was watching it was basically the same thing all over again. Smith kept calling her a pussy (or a cunt) and a cow, repeatedly telling her that he doesn't want to be with her anymore, trying to insult her even more by telling her that she must have taken after her mum, who apparently also always argued with Kitty's dad. He kept telling her he can't stand her, that he's not enjoying living with her and the way of life they have. She reproached him (is that how you say it in English? Sorry, I'm not sure) for having said that he wanted to be with someone else, some other girl, but I didn't hear any more details about that. She, after whatever insult he threw at her, just kept repeating "What are you doing now? Why are you doing this to me? Why can't you act normal, speak normal to me? Why are you telling me this? Why are you saying you don't want to be with me?" "Because it's true, you stupid cunt..." Kitty: "I do everything for you, why are you like this?" "Just let me sleep, you cow, go away..." And she: "No, stop this! Why do you call me a cunt and a cow? Why don't you tell me 'Sorry, honey, I'm so sorry about all this and I want to be with you'... (Yes, this was literrally what she said) Then he said, sarcastically: "Sure, I want to be with you. You're the best. You're the best". Her: "Why the sarcasm? What's wrong with you? Don't do this to me! Why can't you just take responsibility for all the mess you've done?" Him: "The mess I've done? You spilled wine on me and then... (I can't remember what exactly they told each other, but they were just accusing one another of everything, of spilled wine, of broken glass, of their relationship not working, of her wanting to go out and him not wanting or vice versa...) He just kept rejecting her and calling her names and she just refused to hear it and tried to make him stop, as if it was just some momentary whim of his, she was like deaf to how he was sending her away. After about 5 minutes of this, I turned it off, 'cause my wife was around and she doesn't know anything about me watching RLC. Occassionally.

    Kitty was more on the fighting side, although it wasn't really a fight, but her voice was more raised than his. He just replied in an apathetic, get-lost-and-leave-me-alone-I'm-fed-up-with-you way.

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  3. Oh, the stuff some people can argue over... 

    I couldn't hear their conversation in the kitchen properly, because that stupid telly is louder than them (even in the kitchen - I wish the mics were placed in other places than the cameras are, closer to where they're usually standing/sitting), but from what I could hear, it went like this: 

    It was all money-related. Kitty was talking about jobs abroad, for whatever reason, I don't know if she had been looking at some ads or what. She mentioned several professions (I didn't get which one would suit her - maybe a hairdresser?), and "you'd get free accommodation, free food, you'd only have to buy a flight ticket", she also talked about the duration, but that was very muffled (one month, three months, definitely a temporary job), and how she "wouldn't tell anyone she's working there and pretend that she's on a long vacation", and how it would be all sun, beaches and she'd get a nice tan. And "in Malta, they offer more money, but you don't get free....(whatever)". Then she mentioned someone, a girl, or a woman, how she's in a relationship with a guy and she bought herself an Audi. She talked about how some girls take advantage of the rich guys, but I didn't quite get her opinion, whether she was jealous, or if she approved or disapproved that kind of behaviour... She also said how "daddy (her daddy? I don't know..) never had enough money".. Then Smith said something like "maybe they have a nice relationship" and basically he suggested that maybe the girl bought half of the Audi with her own money, and then Kitty went a little berserk. She started to raise her voice and in the end she was shouting at him, because "how could she earn enough money for an Audi in (I don't know what job)", and "you're against me again, you're bringing me down again, what did I say wrong" etc., she was a little hysterical. Smith was kinda defensive and ended it up with a note that Kitty is jealous of that girl and that it's clear she'd like to have a rich boyfriend, too.

    I'm very curious what these two do for a living, and it's still a mystery to me how Kitty could have afforded that boob job.

    Oh, and it's really a funny experience listening to these two talking, especially Kitty. I've noticed it in the past, and today I saw it wasn't temporary - the way she speaks, it's literally as if you filmed someone speaking at normal speed and then played it back at 0.5, or 0.75 speed. It's weirdly slow and funny in that way.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Howard said:

    Serious question for those who live outside the US and/or Canada, is it customary for either sex to sit across from each other and carry on a conversation wearing (next to) nothing (I'm not talking typical sleepwear)?

    Not at all, as far as I know. I live in Slovakia and I've never seen (or heard about) any couple behave (clothes-wise) the way couples on rlc do. It's definitely not customary to wear nothing but underwear, or walk around topless, for most of the day. Although I can't deny it's pleasing to the eye :)

  5. 45 minutes ago, scutus said:

    robur, You are correct as to the location and the temperature. I, do not know your location. But I'm willing to guess the outside walls of your residence are not 16"- 19", or a half a meter thick. That dimension is a guessed factor based on the wall thickness going out to the balcony from the bedroom.

    The unknown factor is how the apartment is heated. Again I'm guessing the building has a central heat source of hydronic design. Most likely the tenants have limited control of the temperature. Also the outside temperature range in a twenty four hour span can be large.

    With the thick walls, and again guessing, well insulated. The running of the fan, and the opening and closing of the doors going to the balcony, which is accessible from the bedroom, living room, and the bedroom, seems a logical approach for the tenants to stay comfortable.

    Given the amount of clothing, or the lack thereof, it seems to me the apartment is toasty warm.

    Just info from another mere mortal, who, shudder the thought. Once and a while looks past Leora, and studies the building.   

    Scutus, that the apartment must be toasty warm is the only logical explanation of the fan, but with the outside temperature of -13°C I found it surprising that she used it. It just seems like a waste of energy to me. I mean, with the abundant supply of freezing air outside, why not bring the temperature down by airing the room for a while, or simply by turning off the radiators? That would be the most logical thing to do, to me at least. But if she used the fan, it might mean that it's not that cold outside and that, in fact, they don't live in Krasnoyarsk, but somewhere warmer. But what do I know... 
    Just for the record, I live in Slovakia and the outside walls of the building I live in are about 40 cm thick (you made me measure it), which is just under 16". We use hydronic heating, too. The temperature outside last night was around -6°C, now it's like -3°C (26°F). Even with this thick insulation I would never think of using a fan in the middle of winter. When I turn off the radiator in any room, within 2-3 hours the temperature inside the room drops enough for me to turn it back on. If I overheat a room and want to cool it down quickly, opening the window for 2 minutes is enough. Using a fan is just... well, beyond my logic. Just sayin'.

    • Like 2
  6. I've noticed a standing fan running in the living room by the window. Now, I'm too lazy to dig in the archives, but I have a feeling that someone who claims to know more about Leora and Paul than us mere mortals, and claims to know their whereabouts, once said that they lived in Krasnoyarsk - if I remember correctly, but I'm not 100% sure. Seems like it's -13°C (8.6°F) out there in Krasnoyarsk at the moment. Does it all make sense to you?

  7. On 12. 11. 2017 at 7:05 PM, yop_salut said:

    But why this boobjob... She xas perfect with the A-cup

    I don't understand it either. I mean, I kinda knew she was going to do it, 'cause I heard them talking about it in September, but Foamy T. Squirrel said it was not going to be a boob job, that it was some "abdominal problem" :D

    That doesn't sound like breast augmentation to me.

    I think it's a little abdominal problem they can't afford to have because they're bad at money management.

  8. Now all the parents (well they look like their parents anyway) are sitting in the LR and talking about something. With the only free camera being so far away from the sofa the sound was barely understandable even with the TV off, but now they've turned it on it's hopeless. But from the little that I could understand it seems like someone is undergoing some kind of surgery and they are there as a support. Maybe the boob job that I was talking about some time ago? Who knows.

    It's a shame I wasn't watching when the parents arrived. How the kids showed them around and explained the cameras. "So these are those cameras I was telling you about, mum... You know, for the whole world to see us having sex and walking around naked..." :D

  9. 43 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    That doesn't sound like breast augmentation to me.

    I think it's a little abdominal problem they can't afford to have because they're bad at money management.

    Money management, in the US, is generally the leading cause of divorces, incidentally.

    I know what I heard and it definitely sounded like a breast surgery. Although how they could afford it is a mystery to me. We'll just wait and see. If I hear anything, I'll let you guys know.

  10. 1 minute ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Abnormal bleeding? So theres some normal blleding that will take place? The biggest risk factor for her is she will ruin the beautiful breasts she has now, and theres no going back! I hope dopey Smith isn't trying to talk her into this.

    It was specifically meant as during the surgery. Not after, of course. If abnormal bleeding occurs during the surgery, she might be transferred to another hospital with which the clinic where the surgery is taking place is in contractual relationship. (I've heard things like this before. Smaller private clinics are only equipped and staffed for normal situations, but when the shit hits the fan, they rush the patient to a proper hospital.) She read that paragraph out loud, and it scared her. I don't know if Smith has talked her into this, but today he definitely wasn't trying to talk her out of it.

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  11. 5 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Please please please don't do it Kitty!...All the guys I've spoken to about it love you just the way you are :heart::heart:...plus you'll be scarred for life...:cry:

    She might not do it. It wasn't clear to me from today's conversation. I'm 100% sure about the topic though - I'm fluent in Czech, it's just difficult to understand their words when the TV is too loud. But while reading and discussing with Smith she pointed at/grabbed her boob several times, so I'm absolutely sure that they were talking about the surgery. From what I heard she isn't worried about the scars, but she seemed to be somewhat scared because of the risk factors. Like that thing with abnormal bleeding seemed to scare her, but he tried to calm her down, saying "it's only in extreme cases". I don't know if she smokes, but she seemed to be a little anxious about that, too - it was probably listed among the risk factors, so I'd say she's a smoker. So as I said, she might not do it, because of all the risks involved.

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