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Posts posted by Ogrish

  1. I'd love to add something to the conversation on the guest girl's eating habits. If she is homeless, and possibly down on her luck, hence being helped by Zac, it would explain a little of why she eats so much.

    I left home at fifteen and wasn't really prepared for life, and found myself sofa surfing/living rough, stealing to eat etc and one of the most distressing feelings in the world is true hunger. I don't mean missing a meal in the morning hunger, I mean not having a meal for a few days. I think the worst I ever was, I had to get unripe crab apples off a tree and boil them in water because I was so hungry. Everytime I was at someone's house, and you lose friends rapidly because they know what you're doing, you would wait until they were at the toilet and shove some bread in quickly and try and swallow it before they got back. You constantly try to get that 'full' feeling instead of that painful ache.

    Now I'm an old man and a bit of a fatty, I still hate being hungry even though I can eat when I like.

    Guest girl obviously doesn't feel that welcome and probably doesn't give a shit, when you're in need, you get what you can when you can. It's very short-sighted because it'll probably lead to her being thrown out, which is probably why she's already in this situation.

    Bit of a ramble sorry, but I recognised a few things of myself in her behaviour.

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