I have watched M&A since I began in april everyday for as many hours as they are on. I love Martina! I would never post anything here to hurt her or cause her a problem. The one thing I will post tonight is that a decision that has been thought about for a little while now has been made and told to Alberto. She has chosen to Leave Alberto for Michael. It is to happen some time in August I think. There is so much going on in this house, which are things I can't speak of, I'm not sure that will work or not.
I have watched these two and almost feel like I know every corner of that house. I've listened and relistened many times to make sure I undersand what is going or to happen or what has happened. Tonight if anyone had listened you would have heard her tell A then call Michael and tell him. Was sad. I beleive that Martina seems to be just like a young girl that has some meaturing yet which is not a bad thing. I do love it when they play around like little kids or when her young school friend and her play around. It shows her real youth. She however is trying to live her older life too fast. That will not be good as the years she will be missing would be remembered as the best years of her life.
I do want to tell you Martina that I believe you are making a mistake because of what is going on in your life right now you need someone that will be that strong steady force that has been there for you like last years schooling. I don't know Michael knows nor how involved he has been with you. I think you may be careful or you could easily get hurt and I hope you don't. Right now I think Alberto is still the man for you. I know you still have lot's of feelinigs for him. If either of you need help PM me.