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Posts posted by phatso

  1. Ive been wondering about this for some time. I'm 90 percent sure her breasts are natural, but seriously: she's SO thin and petite, but with such full breasts that it makes me wonder sometimes. Plastic surgery is expensive but I imagine she must be rolling in cash from RLC and we just don't see it. Did she just hit the genetic lottery with her thin frame and full breasts or do you think she has had work done?

  2. strange chrismas in this appartment,normal day for both,nothing extra and no friends.

    it's time for this couple leave,soo boring

    they do not appear to be Christians...

    I doubt they're christians too, but in the past they've put up xmas decorations anyway. I wonder if they're not doing it this year because they'll be moving soon.

  3. Any RLC fan should watch this interview on Letterman from 1998:

    Does anyone remember that site? It sounds almost exactly like RLC. If I'd known about it then, I would have watched it.

    My favorite part is where she says her mom was trying to get her to get rich off of it by charging 20 bucks a month. HA!

  4. Quoted from another site.

    Alma and Stefan are breaking up. Alma told the RLC officials that this would be her last month

    in the apartment. Alma has a new job and a new boyfriend (or girlfriend) . May, the 31st, will

    be their last day . Stefan seems dumbfounded; he just sits at the computer and hums all day

    and night.

    Alma's real name is  " Reishi " and Stefan is "David " . As to where I get my info, I stated before that I speak Spanish and although it's sometimes hard to hear or understand them

    because of background noise, I just go to Cam Caps.net and Alma's official "spy" tells what's

    going on if I missed it.

    So it quotes.

    Well, now we know we can't trust your sources! She is still there. And by the way, her name is Almelina. We all learned that after the emergency medical assistance encounter. And he is definitely no "David"

    What happened with the emergency medical assistance? That must have happened before I started watching RLC. Did someone get hurt?

  5. He has a seriously attractive girlfriend/partner but is totally preoccupied with his PC, smart phone and tablet.

    It seems to me she has been trying to get some attention from him for weeks but all he does is stare at a screen of one sort or another.

    He's not the only one either - almost all of the women on this site seems to play second fiddle to a computer.

    Just what is wrong with "modern man"?

    It's not just modern man. Before phones and tablets came out, women couldn't tear their men away from the TV, especially when the "big game" was on. Before that, they couldn't get their men to put down the newspaper and have a real conversation (there was at least one episode of I Love Lucy that specifically dealt with this issue). I bet it goes all the way back to caveman times, when I suspect men were constantly preoccupied with keeping the fire going at night or scanning the horizon for mammoths. Men haven't changed, just the technology has.

    Also, I suspect it's more likely that Maya has been trying to get attention from the viewers than from Stepan. That's how the site makes money, after all.

  6. Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

    Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.


    I think RLC is a cool concept. What makes it not worth supporting?

    phatso if you like the idea and WANT to support RLC then by all means go ahead.i was just trying to save you some money.you need tho to go back thru some of the posts and look at how many people that are cancelling their paid membership's to rlc (for whatever reason) go ahead and get a paid membership and follow it as much as you can {every apartment} then you can make your judgement on whether it is worth supporting. if you do this and Really Like it then have a good time with it.

    Oh okay, thanks brother. I thought maybe there was something specific that would make membership a bad idea.

    I have seen some complaints on here, but aside from the people who just don't want to pay for anything no matter what, they seem to boil down to two things: the tenants' sex lives are boring, and it costs too much money. But it's not porn to me, and the membership cost works out to about a dollar a day for a month. I spend more than that on my coffee every morning.

    Unless I'm missing something, I think the only way I'd feel ripped off is if I paid for cameras I can't see through (i.e. cameras that are tampered with, this topic being a prime example).

  7. Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

    Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.


    I think RLC is a cool concept. What makes it not worth supporting?

  8. Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

    Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.

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