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Posts posted by kevinsback

  1. You are correct; Leora and Paul started out in Lina & Mark's apartment when they left RLC. It was small, but cozy, and it was nearby to both Lora & Max ,and Maya & Stepan, and Alina & Anton's apartments. A&A then got moved to a newer, spiffy apartment. Then L&P got an updated apartment. Maya & Stepan have been at RLC the longest now; they still live in the original apartment along with their many pets.

    Browse the archives; you'll learn lots. And, with a highly expensive CC paid membership at $1.00 USD a month, you'll see more. Either way, some of use veterans are always willing to share information.

    PS: The old cameras didn't have the higher resolution, but they weren't wide-angle: to me, they seemed more intimate, and the couples back then we're a bit more real. Just my perception as an old fart.

    @ piedpiper: I'll bet a quarter USD that SanPer concocted that picture post...  8)

    I agree with that perception - they seemed like normal people especially Mark and Lina running heir hairdressing business (they were friends of Maya) and Max and Lora. I sometimes wonder how Lora's getting on with the baby, and whether they are still in the same flat (I don't think we saw them move out?, just the camera's were turned off shortly before she was due to drop the sprog)

  2. How to win an argument about God when confronted with an atheist:

    1) God, in all religions, is the Creator. Not just of us, but also the Universe that surrounds us.

    2) Therefore, if no God of any sort exists, then you and I don't exist either.

    3) So why are we having this argument if you are correct in your religious belief that no God exists?

    How does that win anything? It just says' I say God exists, therefore God exists.' The atheist would surely reply:

    1) There is no God

    2) Therefore the world exists without having been 'created'

    3) Therefore people who explain the existence of the Universe through a creation theory, have also come into existence without having been 'created'

  3. It has to be pretty weak when the only support you garner up it that of your alter ego.

    Time to let this trash sink to the bottom where it belongs.

    Fal;se logic. Just because people don't join in, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people who agree with him.  We don't have to engage with twats like you and your little cabal though. I did before, realised it wasn't worth it. But don't worry, your idiocy doesn't go unnoticed.

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