I know what you're saying but get frustrated with remarks such as that. If you don't like the thread... move on. Being polite to annoying comments to me is like conditioning my taste buds to tolerate the taste of shit. Instead of focusing on a reaction, it's often always more beneficial to re-evaluate the stimulus.
People put up with too much crap on a daily basis - all of us included. If RLC is a moment of peace from the everyday nonsense at least end the ridicule here.
The most annoying is YOU. Oh, and thanks for creating another useless thread!
Shut the fuck up - not every thread is about what you like masturbating to. Online forum = multiple topics.
Looks like Sofia is going for the award of "More annoying dog than Leora's"
I can't for the life of me understand why women like these tiny, yippy annoying dogs that spend most of their lives running around beds and couches while they sleep.
So who's is more annoying? Sofia's or Leora's?
Relax - I'm sure this is posted so when there is action it's easy to say "bedroom" instead of starting a whole fucking thread which probably takes as much time as Paul's stamina.
Let's see the first Adriana Daniel session!
Wait... seriously? This is a serious thing that you actually think? I just want to make sure because I need to apologize to all the people that I have ever said "that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard to" because next to you, they are geniuses. This is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read and it pains me to know that a mind functioning the way that yours does exists.
Decided to check it out for a month - resting from surgery so off work and can't really do much else to pass the time. Lets see how it goes - any particulars on what time to drop in? If you post a time, post your time zone too.