shes a waste of space anyway.its okay to defend yourself but you have to listen sometimes as well.rita has a very bad attitude at times.i think she should go.
they both took showers and between the not one tit was seen. thats fucked up.what the hell is going on.
you can see more action with veronica and lucas than in this room and its a premium apartment.maybe rlc should down grade this shit to a regular apt.
this is getting ridiulous now if shes that afraid of the cameras then why dont she just rlc blind to whats going on or just dont give a fuck.i dont pay to see nothing.well i guess i am.
rita if you reading these posts.what happened why did you turn so are a very beautiful girl why do you hide. did you know what kind of site this is.go home
i thought that nora was the reason rita stopped showing anything but shes not its rita. noras not there now and look at her just lying something.