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  1. YOU MR BEAN-O are the number one troll on this forum. EVER!!!!! . Try cutting out derogatory remarks to other posters would be a good start to redeem yourself fella. Im watching you.
  2. Your favourite is the italian prick always has been.
  3. No way you logged off for 3 hours fella you live on here 24/7 a thousand posts a day and counting only the X man replies the other italian prick lover . Both of you will be inconsolable when the prick finally departs. Any poster who says anything about your hero you dont like you get upset and try to ridicule them. Dont forget some posters have morals and when your hero treats girls like garbage they will react but alas you have to ridicule.
  4. Still trolling i see fella now be a good boy your mummy says you should be tucked up in bed now. Do one you cunt.
  5. The sossage lovers will be pleased FFS Another prick , nice but dim Tim for the sossage lovers FFS!!!!!!
  6. The thing is Frank there are people on here who have no life . RLC and CC is all consuming for them , two in particular, you know and they know who they are , probably coffin dodgers , on here mostly 24/7 and dont like their nice young ladies and now the nice respectable gentlemen being called slags, tramps, the girls and turds n arse wipes the boys which is what they really are. They think they are part of their lives and won't here a bad word said about them . I liked Harley . told it like it is , a bit too much for the snowflakes that got him banned. So thats why they think your'e Harley you dont conform to their narrative. Bit like me really.
  7. Hercules on his way as we speak . Another piece of shite.
  8. They should have been binned off altogether Frank or the very least binned to VHTV.
  9. Our darling Maaarleeen will fuck anybody she really should move in with Masha i think slag lover Sam would like that too. She could have Masha's back catalogue of arse wipes .
  10. Absolute grade A slag of the highest order is our Maaarleeen second only to the queen of slags , our dear Masha. How the arse wipes in the clubs must rub their hands with glee when she walks in.
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