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Posts posted by Parasite

  1. I remember reading once a saying from my dear friend, tbg150. It went like this.

    Religion is a crutch for the weak minded.

    I don't think truer words were ever written.

    I know I believe in a higher power, but to believe in one "God"? That's like an Investor putting all of his portfolio on one company in hopes of it splitting 3 for 1 and they end up bankrupt.

  2. I take you speak "Skunk" Mr. Woodworker? How else would you know he was a Liberal?

    Either way, you came out on the plus side. You rolled the dice and won. Had you shot, you would surely have been subjected to the scent. Not shooting was almost like calling each others bluff.

    You both came out winners. Not too many chances of that happening in the real world of humans.

  3. I'd like to see him be elected as our President, instead of (yes you're reading this right) the shitbags that are running for the highest office. Both sides are detrimental to the welfare of this country. Big business controls it all and big business is controlled by only a select few. The Rockefeller's, the Rothchild's and a few other in which their names escape me at the moment.

    These are the entities that hold the puppets on the end of the strings. They tell them what to do, who to tax, who to pander too, who to bomb and who to turn a blind eye too.

    Enough. I really need that beer now.

  4. Well, that's the end of this board. Every thing that I thought would never happen has happened.

    That's why I said, we have to figure this dude out. He may be real. He may be leading us down the dark path. Be wary. It was too easy.

    There is nothing to figure out tbg. I'm me. I lurked for a long time. Pretty close to the beginning of the site really. I'm right out here in the light for all to see. The only thing is, you may need a microscope.

  5. Place the accused on one of these wheels that woodworker speaks of. Then let the public pay one lousy dollar to take a shot at the perp on the wheel as it spins at a fair clip. One shot per person. And then let the public keep shooting until just like the little red star on the paper at the carnival, it all disappears.

    Have a firetruck standing by to just wash the chunks that fell to the ground down the drain. Sounds quite fair to me. And be sure to let the victims family and all of it's members have the first shots.

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