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Posts posted by predatroll

  1. These two stinky fucking useless layabouts need to get out of RLC as soon as they can be removed.

    I have never seen such a complete waste of humanity in all my life. At least those ISIS terrorists get off their backs and get out and fight for something they believe in. I would actually say they are more worthy of a life than Ruslan and Katya.

    They virtually never move out of their bedroom. They virtually never move out of their bed. They virtually never actually make it past horizontal. They virtually never make it to the bathroom (well she does every few days!) to wash their lazy asses.

    They don't even manage to get beyond horizontal to fuck. I would call it love making but they have no foreplay, no kissing, no touching, no anything except he manages to get a limp hard on and then sticks it in whilst spooning (I always thought that position was for we oldies who have bad backs!).

    The gorgeous girl has never, ever managed to touch any part of the stinky Ruslan's body. I think she would pass out with fright if she came into contact with a dick in her hands. Well she might break a nail poor thing!

    They keep a cum stained cloth in the drawer unit which pops out when needed to collect his cum as he shoots all over her butt cheeks. The offending cloth is then thrown back into the drawer unit to dry out ready to be used at some (much) later date. They both then slip back on their stinking pants and resume their favourite position of laying down watching movies on the TV or Ipad.

    I really do think RLC and more to the point us, are being taken for mugs.

    For God's sake RLC get rid of these two before you lose every paying customer you ever have.

    As for posting a discussion thread 'Sex Now' let's never use it again. What they do could never be described as sex. It is pathetic. For those of you who don't pay and think you are actually missing something worth seeing, don't worry, you are missing fuck all!!!! Rant over!!!

    You're so right mate. totally agree with you
  2. I don't care about her tits or else, is the most active couple here with the whole meaning.

    not only sex etc etc.

    the other couples always hidding and missing.

    btw RLC must notice that is starts to be boring.

    You want to sell a product like Big Brother but only one couple from seven is active.

    in the end they will lose all their customers :)

  3. i just notice that they have some plumbing problems.

    i saw Katya trying to wach her face but the water was brown so thats why they don't have any bath :P :P :P

    Water in Russia is brown most of the time. If you live in those conditions on a daily basis you get used to it. 40% of the time they don't even have hot water. When they run the bath water they have to boil some kettles of water just to take the chill off before they emerge themselves in it.

    Oh i didn't knew that. im from Greece and each time our water is brown or something thats mean that we have plumbing problems :P
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