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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Kylie and Rus can not wait until our dear cleaning lady has been there. They have started the cleaning themselves
  2. 1007 Leia & Maksim left B5 with their suitcases after 89 days Safe trip home, take care, be friends and all the best. Welcome back Leia...
  3. In her bed RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. My source is always correct. 🙂 But I remembered a little wrong, I was sure Leia lived in Ukraine. Sorry about that
  5. YEp, She and Maksim are Russians ... (my source correct me 😉 BTW Karol too 🙂
  6. No, it's been a long time since I discovered you're not
  7. No, but as I sad; I have some good sources 🙂 B1 - Twins and Mila, B5 Kylie and Rus are Ukrainians B2, B4 and B6 most Russians
  8. Are they not enough on the phone, if they should not have facebook as well 🙃
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