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Posts posted by ron097

  1. On 5/18/2016 at 8:54 AM, Solembum said:

    So keep on promoting, commenting this room. BBSq, you put her pictures up everyday! You are contributing to this. This cpl needs to go away! Cottage Cheese ass Lady with convenient handles forming on her hips now. And MR.4 minute stamina....What a joke. BBsq will be promoting her later today,,,, People that sit back and watch are just as guilty as those that commit the act

    man if you think her ass looks like cottage cheese, i think it's time you got your eyes checked. this girl is the best looking girl on this site.

    • Upvote 6
  2. Here we go again . Because bad camera angle i'm simply put in position when i can not see who is sitting on couch.

    Well i m free user. I Suppose that mean i can not complain. It's fine with me but that in reality mean i'm of for today . Have no patience and time any more for that kind of games. :) :)

    i know what you mean, we used to be able to see the whole living room, but now they have both cameras set where you have big blind spots.
  3. If Christy didn't already have a 0-2 track record of flirting with guys that are already taken, I would agree with you. It's not the fact that Christy is naked around them, it's the fact that she walked into their room naked when she could have easily walked in with a towel around her. And she did it twice: the 2nd time she even had a towel in her hand and still chose to walk in there naked. And that's not even mentioning the fact that she's masturbating in there.

    she's not fucking anybody that doesn't want to fuck her
  4. No kidding. The fact that she even went into the bathroom to masturbate is unbelievable, let alone the fact that she just "happened" to stroll into their bedroom stark naked.

    Edit: and now Julie is leaving the apt with her coat. Gavin alone in the bedroom with Christy masturbating in the bathtub... oh lord it starts already

    be nice if somebody got a video of christy masturbating
  5. The real question is why do you continue to stick up for a whore? Is it because that's the only girl you can get, a girl that will sleep with anything.

    boy you really don't like women. looks like ivor and sonia are moving in with christy.
  6. c11_2_jpg.jpg



    through browsing of  some the old pages to this link and found these images

    In fact I am very surprised that  Christy had fucked by messa before

    and  that the Night when  the problem occurred is not the first time that messa and cristy having sex .

    So I can not find a great excuse for jealousy nastya shown by Nastia and I think it's exaggerated

    What do you think ??

    because she is a mentally disturbed person
  7. Actually my comment was in response to beancounter's "WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU ARE IN THAT SITUATION ?? " Not sure how I quoted the wrong post. That's a first.

    could be my fault, i may have read the wrong post and screwed it up.
  8. What would I do in that situation? I can tell you what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't smash someone in the face with a glass. Are you suggesting that this is what most people would do?

    Addendum: People are starting to speak as it they know why Phil left. While we may have an idea from his actions, no one actually knows why he left.

    that was called sarcasm sir.
  9. mr sat

    you are imagining they are a real couples then build up on this

    the people here are singles have just gathering .

    yes she was very mentally stable. everybody commits assault and battery over people they just met.
  10. It takes two to tango so stop blaming Christy for everything.

    Nastya is unstable and should not be on this site at all, VV is not dating site so stop saying he is her man.

    It's so obvious he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

    nastya is a very unstable person. she is totally at fault, she knew what kind of enviroment she was coming in to. messa was not saying no. he is the one who pulled his pants down and stuck his dick in her face that got things started in the first place.
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