In regards to Samuel L. Jackson... He was raised by his grandmother in Chattanooga, Tennessee. No father present, mother lived in another city. Jackson was poor, lived in an all black neighborhood. But he is very intelligent, and eventually found his way to Morehouse College. There he associated with some black militants and entered his, quote, "Kill Whitey" period. .... I am rooting for the Damn SNAKES !!!!!!
Paul is a Total IDIOT !!!
Would someone Smack Him !!
He better take some Sexual Courses on how to please a woman now, or she will eventually leave him and take the dog! Seen this too many times !!!!
She is begging for ATTENTION !!!
Paul is so Clueless when it comes to pleasing Leora ! All he cares about is himself when he wants it and only lasts for a few minutes ! Then leaves her laying there. OMG !
No Kissing, caressing or bringing her to Multiple Orgasms !
He totally makes me sick ! She deserves so much Better !!!!!
Plus he ignores her ... soldering or whatever the hell he does in his computer chair !!!
She is so beautiful, and he is so BORING and in his own little world !