anywho... this is the rants section is it not. For the whiner reply, your in this section, and for the pictures split... correct me if I am wrong but would you not expect pictures, and in the rants page you would expect whiners or rants...... All I was doing as a noob was ask the question, and what do I get is attitude, why do you feel the need to attack and criticise the noob instead of just answering and helping. Just a thought..
fuck me..... I just want what everybody else wants ..... see pussy ..... nothing more ..... nothing less
I don't post pics because my work pattern means I never see anything, hence I'm on this site, shit luck I know. If I did have pics, then I wouldn't be looking for it on here.... simples
Why is it for every apartment there is a picture slit thread. But you people out there are just gossiping in it sometimes very little pictures. Why can't the picture split be just pictures, going off what you people are talking about day in day out, there should be enough photo opportunities to keep everybody happy. So come on people we are all friends on here, get snapping...... and share the wealth.
Ha I forgot I started this one...... there are two more sayings..
"Freedom of speech" a very good one in my book where EVERY view is important
"Freedom of movement" another one I live too, to be able go and be whatever you want, if that is starting a new thread for myself then why not.
I do notice going through other threads that they start off with the intended title but end up going somewhere else, hence a new thread is necessary to bring it back to the subject matter.. Again only an observation and worth a mention in your rules...
Again no probs here just observations.
Just thought I'd start a new thread as it is very interesting how people get so annoyed about it, when really...... does it reallly matter.
I know you say it only takes a few seconds to look and see if there is a similar topic, this is the interesting bit, if its that easy for you why not check yourself and not read the new thread. That way people can talk about what they want, post what they want and everybody can enjoy this site for what it is, the whole purpose of this site. The time it takes you reply and reply with your annoyance it would be quicker if you just closed the thread and went onto the next one... easy peazy lemons me squeezy