It depends on how you look at it I suppose. Morally he's a piece of shit for doing this and if they were in the U.S. There would even be a case for charges being brought against him. However they are technically both voluntarily broadcasting. So it kind of makes it a gray area.
But he's def a scumbag for doing this.
She tried and gave up. She even tried to push him off when he came back. Now she's too loopy to really deal with it. The sex itself is non-consensual at this point and that's the problem. I'm pretty sure most countries have laws against that and I'm sure RLC does not want that kind of behavior on their cameras.
Lord I hope RLC has rules against this. You're absolutely right that it's not consensual. When she started pushing him off of her, that right there is the giant red flag that'll get his ass beat in most countries. I'm hoping they'll step in and say something.
I'm sending a support complaint. To hell with the fact I dont have an account. I don't have actual evidence either, but it's better than just sitting here. That plain wasn't right.